recommend a thousand times ~ Reconnect with the essence of life and nature~NTU student Paula & Catalina from Colombia
recommend it a thousand times ~ Reconnect with the essence of life and nature~NTU student Paula & Catalina from Colombia
My name is Paula Andrea Gonzalez Mojica, I come from Bogota, Colombia, and I am currently a visiting student at the National Taiwan University in Taipei.
The day started at XinBeiTou, where Ms Ginger took us visit the Library and the Park, it was very beautiful. Afterwards, we went to the rice terraces to pick the vegetables with our own hands and enjoy nature. Afterwards, we went to Ms Ginger's kitchen, and she taught us how to make rice ball, red beans, sweet potatoes rice cake, and a really good soup with all the vegetables on it ! It was an opportunity for learning how to help the environment with our everyday eating habits. The dishes I learnt how to cook at Ms Ginger kitchen were also very convenient and simple, which made me understand that helping the environment and having a healthy lifestyle doesn’t mean it will be more complicated, it’s actually easier! It’s important to highlight Ms Ginger is very kind and friendly, I really enjoyed the time I spent with her and hope to repeat this wonderful experience again !
My name is Catalina Gonzalez Mojica, Paula’s younger sister, we are studying together at National Taiwan University..
On Saturday, February 11, we went to the Yangmingshan Terraces, and then to Ginger's house, that day changed my life. The whole experience from taking the MRT to get to the Xinbeitou station, taking the bus to the Terraces and then going to Ginger's kitchen was an unforgettable experience, I would recommend it a thousand times to anyone, children, young people and adults all we need to reconnect with the essence of life and nature.
I never have imagined what I was going to find in the Terraces of Yangmingshan: paradise. The landscape full of diverse trees, the sound of the crystal、clear water from the irrigation canals, the colors of the plants and leaves, the blue sky and the sea of clouds, so beautiful that it is difficult to describe with just words.
We dipped our bare feet into the rice pools and felt the power of the earth, where everything grows and gives life. When we cut the rice stalks. I felt the strength of the roots and saw the joy of the tadpoles swimming ready to start growing. Maintaining our balance and breathing fresh air we moved among the different crops, each one so different and so unique.
It is the only way to maintain a healthy ecosystem: grow different types of vegetables and fruits, leave spaces for animals to live, and thus everyone helps each other to share the same habitat. We cut various vegetables and we were able to play observing what was around us, seeing the color and size of the flowers, smelling the grass, looking for the frogs, spreading water, plowing the fertile and soft soil, burying leaves and branches that we collected, feeling the sun. in the back.
My favorite part was when we sat on a big rock, eating oranges from the tree and watching the horizon, it was one of the happiest moments of my life. In the city we forget that everything comes from the earth, the fruits and vegetables come from the crops and they feed us and give us life.
It is the first time as an environmental engineer that I see with my own eyes what climate change can do, it directly impacts farmers and people because it affects the water cycle, dry and rainy periods are becoming more frequent and intense interrupting natural cycles. This year rice could not be grown in Tainan because no rain fell and without rain the rivers of water that serve to irrigate the land are not fed. This motivates me to continue with my studies and career to be able to contribute to implement solutions that not only benefit man but also nature.
The tastiest food I've had in Taiwan was at Ginger's kitchen, when we arrived it was amazing to see all the vegetables and roots on the table, I felt how I was eating the tastiest food in the world because I knew where it came from and I felt that I was fed by the bounty of the earth. Taking the brown rice with my hands and making shapes, putting the rice balls on the green leaves, I felt very connected with what I ate. It was all so delicious and so easy to cook, Ginger taught us how to make different types of rice, we tried tomato, eggs, red vegetable soup and a delicious dessert made from rice milk. I couldn't believe that the most natural thing was so rich.
I am infinitely grateful to Ginger for this experience that changed my life, the world needs more people like her, who have a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, who work for the well-being of people and nature. As an environmental engineer and as a young student, I will carry this experience in my heart to remember that it is by going, observing and feeling nature that we best understand how to live harmony with it. This experience helps me to bring new ideas of sustainable crops to Colombia.
host family ~Ginger, Ju-Chen lin
<<The Classroom in the ricefields>> author and publisher, was selected as an excellent recommendation by Taipei City and the Ministry of Culture, and was selected by the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Years of experience in rice farming, food agriculture and environmental education and promotion
planted in 2022, brown rice for foreign students
Named and published in 2012, Tainan No. 16, selected by molecular breeding, was planted in the sun by Shen Hongjin, a retired high school teacher
2018 naming and publication Tainan Indica 18 planted by Lin Ruzhen, put a little organic fertilizer before transplanting, and then put fern Manjianghong for natural nitrogen fixation and supplement fertilizer
Improve the shortcomings of making radish cakes and noodles before making rice snacks after the rice has been stored for a while. It can be made after harvesting, providing freshness of fresh rice and greatly reducing storage costs. It is in line with the trend of energy saving and a new choice for gluten allergies.
2018 Named and published Xingda No. 9 Rice
Mr. Chen Yisong, former head of the agricultural technology team~ BD farming method, cow dung composting, sun exposure for 10 days
The two sisters said that they had a Confucius Institute at the university, and they started to learn Chinese and Chinese culture because they were interested. They felt that "Chinese" would be very important in the world in the future. Hearing them say this, I can't help but sigh in my heart. Taiwanese people learn English in elementary school, and their food is westernized. It seems that they don't pay much attention to their own culture, land and nature.
They said that in Colombia there are only dry seasons and rainy seasons. Under climate change, there will be more heavy rainfall and longer dry seasons.
There are problems such as hypoxia/inconvenient transportation in Taiwan’s high-altitude areas. Through this exchange, I learned that the capital of Colombia is 2,640 meters above sea level, and the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, is 3,577 meters above sea level. Except for Argentina, all countries with Andes mountains almost all countries and capitals are on high mountains.
Although there are dense tropical rainforests in South America, they are flooded during the rainy season, wet and full of mosquitoes, which is not suitable for development. Even today with advanced technology, the world's largest river, the Amazon River, does not even have a bridge.Therefore, life in the mountains of South America is relatively comfortable.
The impact of climate change is gradually intensifying. Animals that are sensitive to temperature and humidity are forced to find new places that are more suitable for them to live. New Zealand, which is rich in natural resources and the world's first "climate bill" in 2021. On 2023.2.14 heavy rains caused many disaster.
Climate change, human beings must respond and adjust as soon as possible, and learn from environmental protection and green life from Paula & Catalina
La semana pasada fui a la actividad de cocina en la casa de Ms Ginger. Estuvimos en las terrazas de arroz recogiendo los ingredientes, observamos la bella vista, y disfrutamos de muy ricas onces rodeadas de naturaleza. Después fuimos a su cocina, donde nos enseñó cómo preparar comida muy rica y saludable! Aprendimos a preparar hamburguesas de arroz, frijol rojo, torta de papa dulce, y sopa de vegetales! Todo fue delicioso, y muy sencillo de preparar. Lo más gratificante fue saber que nuestros alimentos generan un impacto positivo en el mundo, y al mismo tiempo cuidan de nuestra salud y cuerpo. Además, la preparación de alimentos fue sorprendentemente sencilla! Fue una experiencia increíble, la recomiendo completamente. Es importante resaltar que la actitud de Ms Ginger es muy amable y divertida, disfruté mucho el tiempo con ella!
El día sábado 11 de febrero fuimos a las Terrazas de Yam ming Shan, y después a la casa de Ginger, ese día cambió mi vida. Toda la experiencia desde coger el metro para llegar a la estación de xin bei tou, subir en bus hasta las Terrazas y después ir a la cocina de Ginger fue una experiencia inolvidable, la recomendaría mil veces a cualquier persona pues niños, jóvenes y adultos todos necesitamos volver a conectarnos con la esencia de la vida y la naturaleza.
Nunca hubiera imaginado lo que iba a encontrar en las Terrazas de Yam ming Shan: el paraíso. El paisaje lleno de árboles diversos, el sonido del agua cristalina de los canales de irrigación, los colores de las plantas y hojas, el cielo azul y el mar de nubes, tan hermoso que es difícil de describir con solo palabras. Metimos los pies descalzos a las piscinas de arroz y sentimos el poder de la tierra, donde todo crece y da vida. Cuando cortamos los tallos de arroz sentí la fuerza de las raíces y vi la alegría de los renacuajos nadando listos para empezar a crecer. Manteniendo el equilibrio y respirando aire puro nos movimos entre los diferentes cultivos, cada uno tan diferente y tan único. Es la única forma de mantener un ecosistema sano: cultivar diferentes tipos de vegetales y frutas, dejar espacios para que los animales vivan y así todos se ayudan entre todos para compartir un mismo hábitat. Cortamos varios vegetales y pudimos jugar observando lo que nos rodeaba, viendo el color y el tamaño de las flores, holiendo la hierba, buscando las ranas, esparciendo agua, arando la tierra fértil y suave, enterrando hojas y ramas que recogimos, sintiendo el sol en la espalda. Mi parte favorita fue cuando nos sentamos en una roca grande, a comer naranjas del árbol y observar el horizonte, a sido uno de los momentos más felices de mi vida. En la ciudad nos olvidamos de que todo viene de la tierra, las frutas y vegetales vienen de los cultivos y ellos nos alimentan y nos dan vida. Es la primera vez como ingeniera ambiental que veo con mis propios ojos lo que el cambio climático puede hacer, impacta directamente a los campesinos y a la gente porque afecta el ciclo del agua, los periodos secos y de lluvia son cada vez más frecuentes y más intensos interrumpiendo los ciclos naturales. Este año no se pudo cultivar arroz en tai nan porque no cayó lluvia y sin lluvia no se nutren los ríos de agua que sirven para irrigar la tierra. Esto me motiva a continuar con mis estudios y carrera para poder contribuir a implementar soluciones que no solo beneficiar al hombre si no también a la naturaleza.
La comida más rica que he probado en Taiwán fue en la cocina de ginger, cuando llegamos fue increíble ver en la mesa todos los vegetales y raíces que cortamos de las Terrazas, sentí cómo estaba comiendo la comida más rica del mundo porque sabía de donde venía y sentía que me alimentaba los frutos de la tierra. Coger el arroz con las manos y hacer figuras, poner las bolas de arroz en las hojas verdes, me sentí muy conectada con lo que comía. Fue todo tan delicioso y tan sencillo de cocinar, ginger nos enseñó cómo hacer diferentes tipos de arroz, probamos tomate, huevos, sopa de vegetales rojos y un postre delicioso hecho de papá y leche de arroz. No podía creer que lo más natural fuera tan rico. Le agradezco infinita mente a ginger por esta experiencia que cambio mi vida, el mundo necesita a más persona como ella, que tengan un estilo de vida saludable y sostenible, que trabajen por el bienestar de las personas y de la naturaleza. Como ingeniera ambiental y cómo joven estudiante llevaré esta experiencia en el corazón para recordar que es llendo, observaron y sintiendo la naturaleza que mejor entendemos cómo vivir en armonía con ella. Esta experiencia me sirve para llevar nuevas ideas de cultivos sostenibles a Colombia.
2/11我去Ms Ginger的廚房煮飯。我們先到新北投最重要地方去逛逛,比如說新北投的圖書館和公園。接著,我們到梯田去拿青菜,吃水果看很美麗的風景。下午的時候,我們到她家煮飯。她教我如何煮rice ball, red beans, sweet potatoes rice cake, and a really good soup with all the vegetables in it ! 每一種的菜對身體很健康,也對環境很有益。Ms. Ginger很友好!這是一個那麼厲害的經驗!
2 月 11 日,星期六,我們去了陽明山梯田,然後去了Ginger’s家,那一天改變了我的生活。坐捷運到新北投站,再坐公車到梯田,再到Ginger's kitchen。整個過程是一次難忘的經歷,我會向任何人推薦一千次,不管是小孩,年輕人還是大人我們需要重新與生命和自然的本質聯繫起來。
我在台灣吃過的最美味的食物是在 Ginger 的廚房,當我們到達時,看到我們所有蔬菜和根莖放在桌子上真是太棒了,我覺得我吃到世界上最美味的食物,因為我我知道它來自哪裡,我覺得我被大地的果實所滋養。用手捧著米飯做飯糰,把飯糰放在綠葉上,感覺和吃的東西很相關。一切都很美味,也很容易煮,Ginger教我們如何做不同種類的米飯,我們嘗試了番茄、雞蛋、紅色蔬菜湯和米漿做的美味點心。我簡直不敢相信,最自然的東西竟然如此豐富。我非常感謝Ginger的這段經歷改變了我的生活,世界需要更多像她這樣的人,他們擁有健康和生態永續的生活方式,為人類和自然的福祉而努力。作為一名環境工程師和一名年輕的學生,我會將這段經歷銘記在心,牢記只有親近自然、觀察自然、感受自然,我們才能最佳地理解如何與自然和諧相處。這段經歷幫助我將永續農業生態的新想法帶到哥倫比亞。
氣候變遷影響逐漸加劇,對氣溫、濕度敏感的動物被迫遷移到更適合居住的地方。擁有豐富自然資源並2021年全球首推「氣候法案」的紐西蘭在2023.2.14 暴雨成災,
氣候變遷下,人類也要及早因應與調適,先向 Paula & Catalina學習從日常生活開始環保綠生活
2012年命名發表 以分子育種選拔的台南16號 高中退休老師沈洪進日曬栽種
2018命名發表 台南秈18 林如貞栽種 插秧前放一點有機肥 之後則放蕨類滿江紅天然固氮 補充肥料
2018 命名發表 興大九號米
前農技團長陳義松老師~BD 農法 牛糞堆肥 日曬10天