
演繹自己的故事 菲律賓移工劇場

2017/08/30 13:38
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PeoPo推 2

We are Filipino workers! The theatre workshop at Centre for Applied Theatre

Norie Rosales : So in this acting workshop,we always showing to you guys, that we are good in acting, and we have the talent, we have the ability to act. We are so proud to be Filipino.

學員 Norie Rosales : 在這個戲劇工作坊裡面,我們想讓你們看到,我們可以表演的很好,我們有表演的才華與能力。身為菲律賓人,我們感到很自豪。)

Norie Rosales : We share our ideas, our opinions in each other, and to adopt some knowledge from other friends, and from ma'am Shuya, from our teacher, and you guys of course, from the visitors that listening to us, and looking what we are acting on the stage.

學員 Norie Rosales : 我們分享彼此的想法與意見,接受其他朋友們提供的知識,像是我們的老師淑雅,當然,還有來這裡聆聽我們,看我們在舞台上表演的你們。)

台灣應用劇場發展中心 賴淑雅老師 : 我們從一開始,就開始營造那樣的氛圍,以及我們跟這些學員之間的一種關係,所以我們是一種夥伴關係,所以不是我是老師,來教他們怎麼表演,而是我跟他們一起去發展什麼是他們能夠做出來的一個表現,以及他們的故事應該用什麼樣的方式去呈現

(Shuya Lai : At the beginning of this workshop, we create that kind of atmosphere, and the relationship between me and these members, so we work as partners, I am not a teacher teaching them how to act. Instead, I work with them to make an acting that they can do, and to think how to show their stories.)

台灣應用劇場發展中心 賴淑雅老師 : 那個過程其實我要給他們很大的空間,即便他們講他們的自己的語言,我聽不懂都沒有關係,重點是他們有在那個脈絡上面去做他們自己的發展,這就可以了

Shuya Lai : Actually, I need to give them freedom to perform in the course, it's doesn't matter even though they speak their native language and I don't undterstand. The most important thing is that they can do this in their context, that's it.)

公民記者 莊政一 採訪報導 (By Cheng-Yi Chuang)



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