
Old city tours - Listening to the sound of Hongmao River from past and present

2014/09/23 13:42
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Cultural worker Huang Jia-Rong (黃家榮) leads people on tours of the area around Hongmao River, a place etched in the memories of Hualian’s elderly generation. With Hualian County Government wishing to address flooding issues, the area currently faces great transformation. In spite of the fact that not long ago Hongmao River was opened up following the demolition of homes in Gouzaiwei, the current plan is to return the river back to the dark shadows by transforming it into an underground ditch. In an attempt to solve the inner-city traffic congestion problem, the newly created space above ground area will be used to build a parking lot. 

Huang Jia-Rong said: “Hualian should ponder over the problem of how to stop vehicles entering the city center. There are no clear benefits from building more roads in Hualian with the aim of solving the city’s traffic congestion problems.” He hopes that in the future, Hongmao River will become a cultural and ecological river that will provide the elderly Hualian population with an area to reminisce on old times. Through local tours, Jia-Rong believes local people can reconnect with the land and jointly focus on changes in their homeland. 


Old city tours - Listening to the sound of Hongmao River from past and present



舊城導覽 聽見紅毛溪昔與今的流水聲





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・ 2014/09/28 14:55
