From victims to village guardians
When Typhoon Morakot struck, it turned Jialan roads and paddy fields into a vast expanse of water. The violently swollen rivers washed away over forty families, and it was not until the water receded that the sheer extent of the destruction became evident. Buildings littered the riverbed in what could only be described as something from the scene of a war zone. The Dao family, which watched as their home was washed into the Pacific Ocean, and who were forced to stay in a refugee tent village for an extended period, finally have a new home.
Typhoon Morakot almost snatched away everything from this good family, including their home and all the money they had invested in a homestay (B&B). In order to help with the reconstruction of the village, Mr. Dao has diligently worked his way up from a hired worker, to the owner of a small construction firm.
He is a member of Jialan patrol team and over the last few years has cultivated the habit of carrying a digital camera - the recordings from which he enjoys sharing with members of the community. Mr. Dao is passionate about participating in community activities and fighting for his own rights and benefits, as well as that of the tribe. He is not the kind of person who is skilled in the art of rhetoric, but always enthusiastically supports and encourages those who wish to take the stage.
From victims to village guardians
莫拉克幾乎奪走了道義夫妻的一切,包括房屋、投資蓋民宿的基金等等。為了協助部落的重建,勤奮的道義從工人成為小型工程的承包商。他也是嘉蘭巡守隊成員,這幾年來,他也養成隨身攜帶數位器材的習慣,並和大家分享他記錄的影片。 道義也積極的參與社區的服務工作,為部落及自己爭取應有的權益,他不是一個能言善道的巧辯者,但是他總是站在最前面給演說者強而有力的支持。