

2011/08/31 10:28
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PeoPo推 14






Fengshan city


Fengshan is located in Southeast Kaohsiung city of Taiwan, one of the administrative center and the military academy are the most, there are several industrial zones at the rim or outskirt, important in Fengshan city, it has become facto satellite city of Kaohsiung。


About historic sites in the old Fongshan City-for Religious buildings-Shuang- Ci Pavilion,Longshan Temple, Cheng Huang Temple, Open Zhang Deities Temple, four Temple more than 300 years of history, Catholic and Protestant churches are also centuries-old, Ruins of Fongshan City Wall have Fongyi Tutorial Academy, one gate is East Side Door, there are three forts-  Chenglan Fort. Pingcheng Fort. and Syunfong Fort. have Moat of Caogong Canal so In honor of Caogong was Builded the caogong temple !


In the city of Fengshan county near the east,has a long history of smith street,smith street is the formation of ancestors,across the water on the mainland to Taiwan at that time, when the boat was family belongings that only some of the tools, no other earning capacity, and put down roots here, living by smith, smith street the most flourishing period to showa period of Japanese occupation,When the real smith shops as much as 13,But because of industrial progress, smith street, only a few old shops, mainly to farm implements,adhere to guard the Smith street。  


Like most of areas in Taiwan, it also has many night markets scattered around within the city, Most of the night markets run until 2:00 am, all year at work,Special presentation to Vegetarian Snack Street, delicious than the meat or fish!


Welcome to Fengshan city there will be a very emotional journey!




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