
Pinoy Sunday

2011/08/24 06:41
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PeoPo推 8

district in Taipei houses the "Little Manila", the heart of the estimated
96000 Filipinos living and working in Taiwan.

bring with them many traditions and culture that brings to Taiwan more than
just work skills, enriching Taipei life.





Zhongshan district in Taipei houses the "Little Manila", the heart of the estimated 96000 Filipinos living and working in Taiwan. Here they have established a market with traditional Filipino dishes and grocery stores.

This is also the place where they meet to socialize with old friends, while enjoying the conversation and hospitality of their countrymen and eat in various Filipino dishes and delicacies.

Zhongshan is also the heart of the Filipino religion. The typical Sunday includes attending either Mass or a Church Service.

Filipinos bring with them many traditions and culture that brings to Taiwan more than just work skills, enriching Taipei life.



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