
酷兒文化結合台灣社會 跳脫性別身分框架

2022/05/07 04:22
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跨性別族群,即稱作為酷兒,在生活中是大眾不了解的族群之一,雖然現代對於性別的想像空間趨於開放,但是酷兒族群仍長期處在社會上的邊緣地位,「圈內」展覽透過三種不同敘事的藝術作品,描繪台灣酷兒女性的身份認同,結合台灣的歷史及文化,使大眾更加認識。位於台北市大安區Artpartment藝術公寓,所展出的「圈內」展覽,策展人Ariana Lombardi表示:


「The main concepts of the show, our gender identity and the visibility, and I think that because the exhibition has a historical content. So by placing contemporary artworks inside of this historical context, I think that it not only helps us to remember the past, but it lets us communicate with history. That not a lot of people know about and the title, in the circle the first to specific community of people that existed in the past and still exist now. You know if you're in the circle that means you're at least in the context of the show means, you're like a ‘Gay’ ‘Queer’person and the historically that circle. It's like becoming visible and it's also bringing visibility to contemporary queer issues.



每個人從出生就已經擁有外在的性別特徵,加上社會對於性別的既定印象,使其他性別族群的身份,從一開始就沒有受到重視,展覽中搭建一個在台灣早期女同志的T吧,因當時傳統社會的觀念及文化,讓她們不能向外展現自我的行為,Ariana Lombardi表示:


「The TP general identity is specific to Taiwan. It only existed so in other places there is bordure fem, but we don't call it TP not T and Po. So that is specific to Taiwan so in this exhibition, the T-bar is a part of exist has been a part of Taiwanese Society. Is an expression of the Taiwanese culture because it is inextricable.

TP 這個形容一般人的標籤只存在於台灣,所以在其他地方有邊緣女性的形容詞,但我們不稱它為 TP 不是 T 和 婆,所以這是台灣特有的叫法,所以在本次展覽中 T-bar 是存在的一部分也一直是台灣社會的一部分,是台灣文化的一種表達,因為文化是無法擺脫的。」




以上新聞由華岡電台記者    胡閔媛    採訪報導



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