
Animal welfare meets ecology – Taitung becomes No. 1 animal-friendly city

2018/03/06 13:54
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PeoPo推 0

Taiwan’s public animal shelters have been implementing a no-kill policy for a year now. Recently, Taiwan Animal Protection Monitor Network (台灣動物保護行政監督聯盟) awarded Taitung county-administered city with 1st place for animal handling at its shelters.

Head of Taitung County Animal Disease Control Center (台東縣動物防疫所), Mr. Li, said that since Taitung is an agricultural county and city, it is implementing a joint animal protection system in a natural and ecological way with "precise catching." The system, which employs the trap/neuter/vaccinate/return (TNVR) concept, ensures captured numbers don’t exceed shelter capacity and that the stray animal population is slowly reduced, making Taitung a genuinely animal-friendly city.

The key to success has been the earnest efforts of local government heads and various units on the ground. Often, it is not that things cannot be done, but more a question of whether we are prepared to put in the required effort; with effort, we have the opportunity to savor the sweet fruits of achievement. Hopefully, other counties and cities will catch up soon, and through life education, together march towards a new animal-friendly era.








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