
Charity music concert to help find a home for children with learning disabilities

2016/12/07 11:17
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Established in Taoyuan’s Daxi District in 2002, Renyou Sanatorium (仁友愛心家園) has so far provided a home for 75 children with varying degrees of physical and mental disabilities. Currently, however, the sanatorium’s 20-year lease is set to expire in 2022 and the landlord has decided not to renew, so either a new location must be found for the resident children or the home must be disbanded and the children go their own separate ways.

The sanatorium’s beautiful garden is the result of daily care by the children, volunteers, social workers and teachers, and everyone involved with the sanatorium have decided to transform this crisis into an opportunity for positive change. With the hope of perhaps finding a bigger building that can help even more children with learning difficulties, it was decided to stage a year-end performance. Hopefully, all of the children’s painstaking rehearsal work for the performance will help attract support to find a new home.  

Charity music concert to help find a home for children with learning disabilities 







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