
When urban farmers meet biodiversity

2016/05/31 15:55
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Initiated by urban farming advocates around the globe, May 22nd marks the first “World Urban Farmers Day”, more information on which can be found on the Facebook page, “World Urban Farmers Day - May 22”. The day welcomes people from around the world to participate in, understand and celebrate the lifestyle and work of this special kind of urban farming, which is Earth-friendly and contributes to food production.

On the same day, New Taipei City Government raised “My Home Has an Edible Landscape”, an activity encouraging people to take advantage of different spaces in their life to establish mutiple-value polycultures that provide efficient food output, and create new life patterns that are natural and healthy.

The fact that the annual “International Day for Biological Diversity” also falls on May 22 has a very logical reason. Connecting up the scattered pieces of existing urban farms forms ecological corridors that play an important part of urban ecosystems. A healthy ecosystem should not only meet the people’s needs, but also the needs of all living organisms.

When urban farmers meet biodiversity



當都市農夫 遇見 生物多樣性


今年的5月22日是第一屆「世界都市農夫日(World Urban Farmers Day)」,它是由跨國的都市農耕倡議者共同發起,並建立了Facebook專頁「World Urban Farmers Day - May 22」, 歡迎全世界的人共同來參與、認識和慶祝都市農耕這項特別的生活形態和工作,及對食物生產與友善地球的貢獻。


其實5月22日也是一年一度的「國際生物多樣性日(International Day for Biological Diversity)」。這兩個日子同一天,自然有它的道理。一塊塊既有的都市農園串連成都市中的生態廊道,成為都市生態系統的一環。一個健康的生態系統,不只滿足了人的需求,也同時滿足了各種生物的需求。



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