
Seeing Southeast Asia in Taiwan

2015/05/13 12:15
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Opened three months ago, SEAMi stocks a selection of books and magazines from Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Indonesia, and is the first Southeast Asian bookstore in Taiwan. All the books and magazines at SEAMi were collected by Zhang Zheng (張正) and Lin Zhou-Xi (林周熙) while working at Bon Phuong (四方報), after they appealed to warmhearted internet friends to “bring back a book in a language that most Taiwanese do not understand”. Lin Zhou-Xi often delivers books to Southeast Asian friends living in Taiwan with the hope that these books from across the ocean aren’t merely put coldly onto a display shelf, but are instead spread around the country to provide company and warmth to friends living in a foreign land.

With the recent opening of Brilliant Time Southeast Asia Themed Bookstore (燦爛時光東南亞主題書店) in New Taipei City, the vision has begun to spread beyond Taoyuan and in the not so distant future, Taichung and Chiayi will also see new stores opening. To realize his dream of ensuring that Southeast Asian friends will always be able to find a taste of home in a foreign country, Zhang Zheng sincerely hopes that one day a “Southeast Asia Bookstore Alliance (東南亞書店大聯盟)” will be established. 

Seeing Southeast Asia in Taiwan









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