
創台灣多項紀錄 視障陳敦邦寫下傳奇

2014/04/20 10:51
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PeoPo推 16











On a visit to Chulai Elementary School in Taitung’s Haiduan Township, visually impaired violinist Chen Dun-bang (陳敦邦) shared his music and life story. In senior high school, Chen Dun-bang remembers winning the county flute championships. However, it wasn’t until after participating in Taiwan’s 1975 university entrance exam and securing a place in the first class of students at Chinese Culture University’s Department of Music, that Chen Dun-bang effectively overcame his disability.

In subsequent years, as a result of Chen Dun-bang’s outstanding performance, Chinese Culture University began reserving two annual places for visually impaired students - 80 of which have already graduated from the school. As a professional musician, Chen Dun-bang has opened up another avenue for the visually impaired besides the field of massage.

After graduating, Chen Dun-bang immediately began making a living through playing the violin, and is Taiwan’s only visually impaired violin teacher. Despite the fact he went completely blind at the age of 30, Chen Dun-bang continued to give classes and performances unaided. Through diligent effort, Chen Dun-bang also managed to repay a US$165,000 debt incurred from a failed investment by his wife. Although Chen Dun-bang is unable to see, he still loves the great outdoors and was the first visually impaired person to climb the great Yushan peak.  

Creative Taiwan series – Visually impaired Chen Dun-bang becomes a legend



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・ 2014/12/15 19:42

Creative Taiwan series – Visually impaired Chen Dun-bang becomes a legend
2014.04.29 4:45PM
地區: 臺灣 臺東縣
分類: 社會關懷 教育學習
標籤: weeklyreview

On a visit to Chulai Elementary School in Taitung’s Haiduan Township, visually impaired violinist Chen Dun-bang (陳敦邦) shared his music and life story. In senior high school, Chen Dun-bang remembers winning the county flute championships. However, it wasn’t until after participating in Taiwan’s 1975 university entrance exam and securing a place in the first class of students at Chinese Culture University’s Department of Music, that Chen Dun-bang effectively overcame his disability.

In subsequent years, as a result of Chen Dun-bang’s outstanding performance, Chinese Culture University began reserving two annual places for visually impaired students - 80 of which have already graduated from the school. As a professional musician, Chen Dun-bang has opened up another avenue for the visually impaired besides the field of massage.

After graduating, Chen Dun-bang immediately began making a living through playing the violin, and is Taiwan’s only visually impaired violin teacher. Despite the fact he went completely blind at the age of 30, Chen Dun-bang continued to give classes and performances unaided. Through diligent effort, Chen Dun-bang also managed to repay a US$165,000 debt incurred from a failed investment by his wife. Although Chen Dun-bang is unable to see, he still loves the great outdoors and was the first visually impaired person to climb the great Yushan peak.