
Animal Euthanasia

2012/07/17 11:52
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Each day the animal rescue home located in Tanmei St., Nehu District, Taipei, receives between 10 and 12 new stray dogs. The incidence of dogs being callously abandoned and left to wander the streets before being reported to the authorities has seen an exponential rise in recent years. With over 100 stray dogs currently being cared for, this animal rescue home is feeling the strain. Many citizens have not only criticized what they feel are cramped conditions, but are also unhappy about the heartless dog treatment and current dog-euthanasia policy in Taiwan.

An amendment to the Animal Protection Law on 23rd January 2010, which extended the period animal rescue homes hold animals before extermination from 7 to 12 twelve days, was aimed at increasing animal adoption opportunities. However, on average Taipei Animal Shelter houses cats and dogs for a period of 32 days, far outstretching the 12 days recommended by the Animal Protection Law. In addition, Taipei Animal Shelter implements animal euthanasia through assessing the condition of each animal individually. If the animal’s behavior is unacceptable (if it has an aggressive manner or a possible danger to the public), if it is suffering from a highly-contagious disease or has a major sickness, or if it is too old to take care of itself, the animal will be humanely killed following an assessment from the vet.

In fact, the adoption process is very simple. As long as you are at least twenty years old and carry an identity card to the animal house, you may choose any dog that is up for adoption. After paying a small 200NTD fee to cover rabies vaccination, you are free to take the animal home. This will probably save it from imminent death, which equates to saving an innocent life. With so many animals waiting for adoption, citizen reporters are calling for people to adopt animals instead of buying them. They also wish to remind everyone that animals need love, and the worst thing one can do is heartlessly abandon an innocent pet.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Animal Euthanasia
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97946




動物安樂死相關議題 ( 小喬 )

位於臺北市內湖區潭美街的這家動物之家,每天約有十到二十隻的流浪狗被抓入收容中心,從遭到民眾惡意棄養到在路邊閒逛被民眾通報的案例層出不窮,收容所目前 約有一百多隻的流浪狗在此居住,由於收容中心的空間有限,流浪狗的居住空間履遭批評擁擠,許多民眾對於流浪狗的生存以及安樂死的相關法規都感到不人道。

根 據99年1月23日動物保護法修定收容動物公告日期由7天增加至12天,但是為增加動物認養機會,臺北市動物之家至今(101)年1-3月,每隻犬貓在養 天數平均已達32天之久,遠超過動物保護法所公告之12日,且臺北市動物之家對於動物安樂死的評估皆以動物個體狀況為評估。如動物有行為上不適(主動攻擊 或公共安全疑慮)、罹患高度傳染性之重大疾病或年幼及年老導致生活無法自理者,經獸醫師評估後才予以進行人道處理。






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