
松菸公園催生聯盟【兆豐金別當謀害松菸森林公園的罪人】記者會 影音記錄

2011/07/28 14:35
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兆豐金別當謀害松菸森林公園的罪人 發稿單位:松菸公園催生聯盟 2011-07-28 08:53:30



1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaCzumTnDsE 1b


2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4vY7mzKnqk 1c


3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_Y-qoGAh3Y 1d


4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlg8KsviNrI  1e


5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB27ezWgKrk 1f



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好奇寶寶 (未驗證) ・ 2011/11/06 03:44

These videos are all related, they can't be separated. Maybe I should put these all together in one film, but that will be too much trouble.

For the persons who are part of the event will appreciate my work for keeping all the detail for what happen in that day.

Think about you wearing my shoes, a civilian reporter, has the passion to play the role alone, without any support, the goal is to let the news to be seen by the persons who really care, what will you do?
I guess you will do the same, film as much as you can, hope some one have the power to change this hardship.

好奇寶寶 (未驗證) ・ 2011/11/06 04:01

Do you have language barrier or you don't know the background of this event?

Language barrier, then you may need interpreter, else, you can browse the whole column of this particular event.

To cut it short, Taiwan still rule the people, not implement the democratic system.

好奇寶寶 (未驗證) ・ 2011/11/06 04:07

These videos are all related, they can't be separated. Maybe I should put these all together in one film, but that will be too much trouble.

For the persons who are part of the event will appreciate my work for keeping all the detail for what happen in that day.

Think about you wearing my shoes, a civilian reporter, has the passion to play the role alone, without any support, the goal is to let the news to be seen by the persons who really care, what will you do?
I guess you will do the same, film as much as you can, hope some one have the power to change this hardship.

好奇寶寶 (未驗證) ・ 2011/11/06 04:11

This is a public press website, all the reporters are general public, not professional journalists.

We write our own reports because
the media fail to do so.

We do these for the benefit of the public.