
Woof woof! Dead fish! Trash mountain!

2011/02/15 17:16
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Around the area of the Sanxia creek in New Taipei City’s Shulin District, an awful stench permeates the air directly beside the premises of a private refuse recycling company, and the piles of festering garage lying behind the company’s steel fencing are quite obviously the source. This citizen journalist discovered that the company, has not only literally piles of rotting garbage all over the premises, but has had the audacity to discharge its wastewater into the gutter, resulting in the poisoning and death of many fish.

The CJ is calling into question the government’s own policy, ‘No garbage to be left on the ground’, and asking why then has this company been allowed to literally pile up mountains of garbage which after been exposed to the sun have caused this appalling stench? Furthermore, the surrounding area has numerous other business premises and factories, and so the environmental disturbance and damage is considerable. In order to avoid the possibility of further environmental damage the CJ is calling on the relevant authorities to quickly investigate and deal with the problem.

Woof woof! Dead fish! Trash mountain! (by CJ Xiao Jian Bing)


汪汪!死魚!垃圾山! (公民記者 小尖兵 報導)



在新北市樹林區的三峽溪畔,傳來陣陣惡臭,一旁是民間環保公司,鐵圍籬裡面成堆的垃圾是惡臭的來源。公民記者發現,這家環保公司不但內部堆積垃圾,還把污 水排放到水溝中,造成許多魚被毒死。公民記者質疑,政府政策「垃圾不落地」,但為什麼環保公司把收來的垃圾堆積如山,任由太陽曝曬造成惡臭?何況周邊還有 其他工廠林立,已經造成嚴重環保問題。公民記者呼籲相關單位應儘速調查處理,以免造成更大的傷害。




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