
善的距離 – 在發生前,舉手之勞 Good Distance - A Simple Act Before It Happens

2024/03/26 10:26
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善的距離 – 在發生前,舉手之勞" 這篇文章探討了積極善良的概念,通過在五星級酒店的一次真實經歷來呈現。作者描述了一個水果掉落的事件,它本可以造成傷害,但由於及時告知服務人員而得到了迅速處理。這個敘述強調了採取積極行動來預防潛在事故並在日常生活中促進安全的重要性。摘要突出了簡單善行的重要性,並強調了它們可能產生有意義的影響。

Good Distance - A Simple Act Before It Happens" explores the concept of proactive kindness through a real-life experience at a five-star hotel. The author recounts an incident where a fallen piece of fruit could have caused harm but was swiftly addressed by alerting the staff. The narrative underscores the significance of taking proactive actions to prevent potential accidents and promote safety in daily life. The abstract highlights the importance of simple acts of kindness and emphasizes their potential to make a meaningful difference.









1. 以衛生紙一張或是多張(如果物品濕黏)包裹
2. 如果物品無法完全包裹
3. 將衛生紙或是紙巾攤開
4. 包裹好後
5. 丟棄到垃圾桶













Good Distance - A Simple Act Before It Happens

On March 20th, I had a buffet dinner at a five-star hotel with my Australian friend Q. While we were enjoying our meal, we noticed a group of elderly people at the fruit dessert section, and a piece of red dragon fruit fell to the floor. I mentioned to Q that even a small fruit like that could cause harm if it's in the "wrong place."


I alerted the staff about the fallen fruit, and he promptly took out a tissue from their pocket, wrapped the red dragon fruit in it, made sure it was securely wrapped, and swiftly disposed of it. This whole process took just a few seconds but prevented any potential accidents from occurring if an elderly person had stepped on the fruit and slipped while their eyes were fixed on the fruits.


Q and I discussed how we could take similar proactive actions in the future without waiting for the staff:

1. Use a tissue (or multiple tissues if the item is wet or sticky) to wrap the fallen object.
2. If wrapping completely isn't possible,
3. Lay out a tissue or paper towel,
4. Wrap the object in it,
5. Dispose of it in the trash or inform the staff for immediate disposal.

Observers have a clear view. They can see visual blind spots that the parties involved may have missed. It's natural to focus on food when it's right in front of us.


In life, there are many situations where a simple word or action can convey goodness. Letting kindness radiate with its appropriate warmth and appearance so others can feel it.


Kindness can happen in the blink of an eye, in the smallest acts of daily life. It doesn't always need planning; it can be as effortless as breathing, ready to be extended at any moment.



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