
"Doctor, it's great to have you" In memory of Dr. Hiromi Shinya「醫師,有你真好」懷念新谷弘實醫師

2023/12/18 10:39
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In 2006, my father suffered from pancreatic inflammation and was hospitalized in critical condition. He was discharged for recuperation, but he was not used to artificial nutritional milk and would vomit every time he drank it. At that time, I read "A Life Without Sickness" 、 "A Life Without Sickness~Practice in life"、 "Dr. Shinya 's Dining Table: A Happy Diet Without Sickness",written by Dr. Hiromi Shinya.   and "Enzyme Power Revolution" are a series of books that I feel are very special. Most of the health education manuals I got recommended gastroenterology patients to start with liquid food, but Dr. Hiromi Shinya believes that chewing more, eating brown rice and a lot of diverse vegetables can help the gastrointestinal tract repair faster. .

二○○六年我爸爸胰臟發炎病危住院,出院調養卻不習慣人工營養乳,每喝必吐,當時我看到新谷弘實醫師寫的《不生病的生活》、《不生病的生活~實踐篇》、<<新谷醫師的餐桌: 不生病的幸福飲食>>、《酵素力革命>>一系列書,覺得很特別。因我拿到的衛教手冊,多是建議胃腸科病人先從流質食物開始復食,而新谷弘實醫師認為多咀嚼、以糙米以及大量多樣化蔬菜為主,能幫助胃腸更快修復。

Dr. Hiromi Shinya also mentioned in the book: "It is strange that vegetables turn black and rotten after a while... Insects disturbing the plants will increase chitin, and the greenhouse blocks ultraviolet rays, which will reduce the antioxidant substances of crops. Some agricultural products are very strong and require strength to cut. The main reason why modern people have lost so much domineering power comes from changes in food quality, awareness of the cycles of nature, and learning about the relationship between the intestines and the soil and microorganisms that cultivate crops. Then we can see new medicine and nutrition that improve vitality.”


Although he is a busy doctor, he was able to mention many current situations and researches on cooking, agriculture, soil, and vitality, which reminded me that things that I used to take for granted are not the same, and I need to learn across fields like Dr. Hiromi Shinya.


In 2010, I was lucky enough to listen to Dr. Hiromi Shinya's live speech in Taiwan. He played the harmonica himself at the end, with a beautiful melody and his many years of caring, simple and practical promotion, "Doctor, it's great to have you", including I have restored health to many people, and I still remember him playing the harmonica. It was really touching.


I transferred the knowledge I learned into action, changed my eating habits, and switched to eating softer brown rice with side dishes for breakfast. In just half a year, not only did my father regain his health, but I also greatly improved the atopic dermatitis I had suffered for many years. As Dr. Hiromi Shinya said: "As a doctor, I dare to assert that in terms of the true meaning of health, no matter how hard doctors try, simple treatment cannot make patients healthy. I think improving patients' daily living habits is more important than surgery or medication."

我將所學到知識轉移到行動,更改飲食習慣,早餐改吃較軟的糙米飯配菜,才半年時間,不僅爸爸恢復健康,同時大幅改善自己多年的異位性皮膚炎。真正如新谷醫師所說:「身為醫師, 我敢斷言,由健康的真正意義來說,醫師不論如何努力,單純的治療是無法使病患健康的,我認為改善病患日常的生活習慣比手術或投藥更為重要。」

Dr. Hiromi Shinya said that as long as he eats processed products, his blood pressure and heartbeat will increase. This is human instinct, but too many people are suppressed. <<Dr. Shinya ’s Dining Table: A Happy Diet Without Sickness>> The book demonstrates Dr. Shinya’s breakfast:

新谷弘實醫師說他只要吃到加工品,血壓和心跳會加快,這是人的本能,只是太多人被壓抑。<<新谷醫師的餐桌: 不生病的幸福飲食>>書中示範新谷醫師家的早餐:

Brown rice (brown rice + several kinds of grains), fried tofu/asparagus/radish/ginger/soy sauce (scald the fried tofu first and remove the oil), konjac/hijiki/white sesame/mirin/soy sauce, cabbage/radish baby/miso/kelp and bonito stock, consume more good oils, not counting stock and seasonings, there are nearly ten kinds of vegetables for breakfast alone. The Dr. Shinya dietary health method focuses on the ratio of plant foods to animal foods, which is 85~90%: 15~10%. Choose ingredients that are as fresh and natural as possible and avoid processed foods.


I am very grateful to Dr. Shinya , who is a major benefactor in my life, so I used the time and money I had spent on traveling abroad to start planting rice using natural farming methods in 2012. From Mr. Oze Rō's <<Natsuko's Wine>> the comics and Mr. Akinori Kimura grasped the golden period of rice field weeding, learned and promoted brush weeding, and created biological habitats. I wrote and published the book <<Classroom in the Rice Field>> to demonstrate how to cook simple rice dishes at home for more than 12 years. In this year, I was very happy to receive feedback from some people. Some people took back the fields in their hometowns for friendly farming, some people no longer need to take anti-depressant medicine, and some people finally reduced the amount of high-lipidemia medicines they had taken for many years.


"Love" can activate immunity. Recently, I saw Dr. Shintani's farewell ceremony and knew that his wife was sick, his son had a car accident, and he lost his beloved family. However, he was able to use his great love to help more people. It is a pity. I did not have the opportunity to express my gratitude to Dr. Hiromi Shintani in person.


Dr. Hiromi Shinya wrote at the end of the book "Life Without Sickness": "If more people read this book, then transfer knowledge to actions, and actually experience obvious changes in the body, as a doctor I will feel supreme joy." When I read this passage for the first time, I thought this well-known Dr. Hiromi Shinya was "so humble." Doesn't "supreme joy" usually come from personal or family success? Now, when I see that my actions can make some animals, plants or people's lives better, I can truly experience what the doctor calls "supreme joy."


Please help forward it to more friends to express my deep respect and gratitude.




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