台灣真的很美~平溪 十分瀑布~Shifen Waterfalls
台灣真的很美~平溪 十分瀑布~Shifen Waterfalls
臺灣 真是個美麗的寶島
Taiwan is a beautiful treasure island
十分瀑布位於新北市平溪區,瀑布落差高度約20公尺、寬度約40公尺。壯麗的水瀑,磅礡的氣勢,為臺灣最大的水簾帷幕式瀑布,外層岩頃向和水流方向相反,屬逆斜層瀑布,此情況與北美的尼加拉瓜瀑布相似,使其贏得 「臺灣尼加拉瀑布」 的美譽。
Shifen Waterfall is located in Pingxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. Shifen Waterfall has a drop height of about 20 meters and a width of about 40 meters. The outer rock is a reverse slope waterfall in the opposite direction of the current, which is similar to Niagara Falls in North America, earning it the reputation of "Taiwan Niagara Falls".
4KHD YouTube: Jinny UK