
Andrius~ NTU foreign student from Lithuania, celebrates Lunar New Year in Taiwan

2023/02/15 08:17
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Figure right one



Figure right two







My name is Andrius, and I am from Šimonys, Lithuania.
I am pursuing my PhD in Nanoengineering and Nanoscience at National Taiwan University in Taipei.

The host family project was an unforgettable experience.

We visited a beautiful rice paddy near Beitou, where we helped our host, Ginger (Ju Chen LIN), add nutrients to the soil.
This was an excellent opportunity to learn about traditional rice farming and get our hands dirty.

After the hard work, we returned to the host family's home and cooked a meal using locally sourced ingredients.
We made rice balls with brown rice, smoked fish from Hualien, and fried radish pancakes with rice milk.
The meal was delicious and an excellent way to bond with the host family.

After lunch, we tried our hand at Calligraphy and wrote our names, learning about this traditional art form.
To end the day, we took a small tour around Beitou, visiting local attractions and gaining a deeper appreciation for the area.

Overall, the host family project was an enriching experience that allowed us to learn about the local culture and make new friends.
I am again expressing my gratitude to Ginger for their incredible hospitality and unforgettable experiences.
I am grateful for the chance to gain a deeper understanding of their culture and lifestyle, and these memories of our interaction will always hold a special place in my heart.



I am very happy to participate in the National Taiwan University Spring Festival reception of foreign students for the third year.


I seldom read the news. I only found out that Lithuania is very friendly to Taiwan and has donated a lot of vaccines to Taiwan. It is also a high-tech country with very precise laser technology.

Andrius has a vegetable garden at home. When he comes to Taiwan, do high-tech research, he will cook the famous Thuanian beetroot cold soup and . The Šimonys where Andrius lives has less than 500 people. There are beautiful forests and rivers. Andrius grew up in the rich nature. He is  willing to touch the flowers, plants, trees, vegetables and fruits on the terrace and campus of National Taiwan University. He is  very interested in observing them.

By comparison, Taiwanese students spend a lot of time in 3C products and laboratories.




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