
SHOCK! CloudSuperAI Solves the Pain Points of Traditional Industries through Cloud AI Technology and Innovative Business Model

2022/08/07 21:01
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International News/[Asia Interview Team] Special Report

CloudSuperAI's Cross-Border Integration Creates Miraculous Achievements

(San Francisco, CA) CloudSuperAI is a multinational team composed of AI technology experts in Silicon Valley, Stanford University professors, former Google AI engineers, Chinese AI technology experts, data scientists and practical marketing experts. The core team of CloudSuperAI has more than 12 years of experience in technological innovation, business model and marketing, mainly through the empowerment of AI to make your business successful and support your business to grow steadily. In addition, through the hybrid cloud architecture (AWS, Azure, Aliyun and CloudFlare) established by CloudSuperAI's global cloud resources, CloudSuperAI can provide cloud AI services to all regions of the world!

In 2019, Sun Zhengyi (そんまさよし), the former richest man in Japan and founder of Softbank, said: "The AI era is coming, and it is not that difficult to make money if you know how to play the value of AI." The Internet has been developed for nearly 30 years, so the next step of the Internet is cloud AI 's arrival As long as the Internet exists, cloud AI can provide a full range of services at any time, just like a patron saint. Furthermore, Shang, founder and CEO of CloudSuperAI, said "Our core vision is to enable everyone to benefit from AI", and to be a global leader in providing the best and unique AI business models and cloud AI services to improve your profitability and steady growth. CloudSuperAI uses the AI brain engine to build innovative business models, and the AI services are heavily pre-trained. From data mining to data insight (big data technology and data science technology), from blueprint to actual construction, our professional cloud AI service will work with you to digitally transform traditional business into AI intelligence to keep up with future digital trend. Of course, this is not just done by technology alone. CloudSuperAI combines innovative business models across fields to form a business closed loop that can operate efficiently. Therefore, CloudSuperAI will drive new business models, new service experiences and new futures world.


Furthermore, CloudSuperAI uses its deep learning thinking technology and unique algorithm technology to train and simulate more than 100 million times to obtain various future changes to construct an AI model, and further build a complete business closed-loop mechanism. In addition, cloud AI can automatically monitor model performance, and automatically retrain or redeploy the model, so that the correctness of the AI model's decision-making can be maintained in the best state. At present, the upper limit of super AI can grasp the dynamic behavior of 50 billion variables at the same time, that is, it can manage the operation dynamics of 50 billion people at the same time and perform abnormal detection, abnormal warning notification and behavior prediction, which is far beyond what humans can accomplish, thus greatly breaking through the limitations of human beings. Shang, founder and CEO of CloudSuperAI, further explained: "Through cloud super AI, we can empower retailers or agents in traditional industries, and help further expand the international market through multilingual capabilities and natural language technology (NLP). Provide retailers or agents to analyze various data of customers through AI and perform predictive actions through deep learning, and then conduct marketing new customers and manage old customers. That is, to acquire customers, analyze customer data, and remarket to make transactions. In addition, through data to drive decision-making, that is, based on data analysis to make AI form a driving strategy. In short, this is a centralized cloud AI management system, specially designed for retailers or agents of small, medium and micro enterprises.”


In addition, CloudSuperAI has a global operation management center, and its blueprint includes cloud super AI sector, forward-looking technology research and development sector, international market sector, global hybrid cloud architecture sector, strategic partnership sector, investment cooperation sector and social welfare sector. Each sector will play its greatest role and support each other, injecting a new energy into the commercial market and society.

It is worth mentioning that Andrew Ng, a computer scientist and an adjunct professor of computer science at Stanford University, called AI "the new electricity" in 2020, and believes that AI will always be used to subvert and improve many industries. Moreover, McKinsey's data also mentioned: "AI will bring about changes 10 times faster, 300 times larger, and 3,000 times larger than the industrial revolution." CloudSuperAI is moving in this direction, so that everyone can benefit from AI, so that traditional industries can be empowered by AI, and AI can help humans do things that were previously impossible. Human beings have inherent limitations, weaknesses and insufficiencies, which can be handed over to CloudSuperAI for assistance and reinforcement.




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