
John Michael Hinton the magician

2010/08/26 15:23
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PeoPo推 2

This summer 2010, John Michael Hinton has returned for the second time in Taipei city. The purpose of being in Taipei city is for his first magic performance in Taiwan. John came to Taiwan years ago and just fell in love instantly with everything Tapei has, such as its culture, language, and local surroundings.

In the streets of Ximen, flyers of his first performance in the Red Theatre house were everywhere, including short public magic to show before the big show.

John Michael Hinton has twently one years of experience as a professional magician, is a member of the magic castle club, and also a youth pastor at Parkside Chapel, Visalia, CA.

In the interview, there were questions of how he first learned to do magic, what did he experience and view taiwan then.




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