
Brave heart – Never Give Up Your Dream

2010/06/21 11:21
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PeoPo推 2

Perhaps life isn’t completely perfect, but everyone can find meaning and value in their life through these imperfections.  Zhuang Yi-xuan has been nicknamed ‘the one armed swordsman’ at every competition, exuding a tenacious, unyielding fighting strength and overflowing with the Kendo samurai spirit.

Zhuang Yi-xuan uses a single hand to hold the sword at competitions, not because he wants to use a special style but because he only has one arm.  Although he was born with only his left arm, he is very optimistic about life.  He has been fascinated with Kendo since he was only a boy and has studied diligently ever since the day he took up the art as a teenager - to prove he can do what anyone else can do.  To fulfill your dreams, you simply need to focus on your goal and courageously face the tests life throws at you, never giving up.

Brave heart – Never Give Up Your Dream
URL:  http://www.peopo.org/news/53165






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