barriers between print, radio, and television have seen marked changes. Today, many media companies wish to interact and pursue diverse content presentation through the " three-screen integration" of televisions, computers, and mobile phones. Teacher Amy Chen (陳淑敏), who teaches in many community colleges across Taipei City, led a group of citizen journalists on a visit to the Omni Media Center at Shih Hsin University. She hopes the visit will help citizen journalists understand how to keep up with the times as content producers in the omnimedia era.
The willingness of citizen journalists to assimilate new media knowledge and continually seek to improve their reporting skills exemplifies the spirit of learning and is worthy of everyone’s admiration. We very much look forward to seeing even richer report content on PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform in the future.
公民記者參訪全媒體中心 吸收媒體新知
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