
The magnificent Taipei Guest House – a top-notch spot for New Year’s Day

2018/01/09 15:44
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On the first day of 2018, the magnificent yet rarely opened Taipei Guest House, which sits adjacent to the Presidential Office Building with its flags flapping in the breeze, was opened to the public. During the Japanese era, this gem of a Renaissance building served as the office of the Governor General of Taiwan. In addition to being the governor's residence, it was also used to receive members of the Japanese royal family. Since the time of the National Government’s arrival in Taiwan, successive presidents have met with many important guests here and it was also chosen as the venue for the 2016 meeting between President Ma Ying-jeou and President-elect Tsai Ing-wen.

In addition to the magnificent interior decoration, the outdoor European-style garden always attracts many tourists wishing to snap a special keepsake or hone their sketching skills. Each year on New Year’s Day, people come and enjoy the beauty of Taipei Guest House in their own unique way, from snapping and sketching pictures to just taking a quiet stroll around the fabulous building and soaking up the ambiance.







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