

2017/02/14 00:35
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AIESEC國際志工馬來西亞梁煒諄同學,菁寮無米樂農村元宵有旺! | PeoPo 公民新聞.



菁寮農村【自己村落.自己救】【無米.樂園】公民記者,社企社規師黃永全執行長,自費自主性企劃執行行銷菁寮【無米.樂園】社區營造 ,農村再生,文化觀光,社會企業經營模式以達菁寮無米樂農村社區經濟發展永續經營。

Welcome to WUMILE, Jingliao




WUMILE (無米樂) —— “無米也要快樂”。農民要怎麼尋找快樂呢?就是通過各種非耕田的活動。由黃永全先生策劃與發展的菁寮小村,創造了一個位於後壁區的小稻米村。此村的主要經濟活動就是耕田,同時也包括了其他小生意,例如: 菜市場,小食攤以及日常生活公用事業。

WUMILE (無米樂)—— translates into "to find happiness when the harvest is low". How? By venturing into other non-paddy related activities. Thus the development of this eco-friendly paradise by Mr. Huang (黄永全), the community planner and developer of JingLiao (菁寮) and this little paddy field area in Houbi (後壁) district. Originally a paddy field, this small town relies on the harvest of rice as its main source of income, with some other small supporting local businesses such as market, food and utilities.



The paddy planting experience area (1)



The paddy planting experience area (2)


The objective and mission of this WUMILE project, a social entrepreneurship initiative, is to spread awareness and encourage more tourists (mostly Taiwanese) to visit the beautiful side of Tainan. Also, he strives to maintain the welfare of the traditional paddy field community by providing more sources of income as there has been an outflow of the younger generation into urban areas for the past few decades. Mr. Huang has invested around NTD10,000,000 to build a farmstay hotel, improve the infrastructure and ultimately provide a wholesome overall experience for tourists.



The cosy Bed & Breakfast (1)



The cosy Bed & Breakfast (2)


WUMILE provides a wholesome experience to visitors from visits to local tourist spots such as the Catholic church, Huang Mansion, 300 year-old Dutch well and old buildings around the town to experiencing the local farmer's delicacies (famous Hero's meal) and hand-made products, all made by the local community with a sincere heart. Every penny spent in the WUMILE area is funded back into the community by further improvements into the infrastructure and roadworks. Hence, tourists who visit WUMILE are not only able to have a good time and wholesome agriculture experience, but also contribute to the local paddy field community at the same time.



Tourists enjoying outside the Catholic church



The highly recommended Hero's meal (割稻饭) A must try!

WUMILE 的另一個特點就是傳統的嫁妝一牛車。這是很久以前社區在舉行婚禮的方式,新婚們都會做在小車子上讓耕田的牛帶他們繞一圈。遊客們可以品嚐當是婚禮的滋味,是那麼的特別與歡樂。

Also, there is the traditional Jingliao wedding ceremony by using a cow (牛嫁妝 — 嫁妝一牛車). No kidding, it is a live and kicking cow. The farmer's cow is used to carry a small cart, where the bride and bridegroom will be seated on top of the cart. Family, friends and relatives surround the cart and walk together, singing cheerful songs and traditional tunes of the village. While no actual celebration takes place everyday, tourists get the chance to play the role of the bride, bridegroom and other members of the ceremony.



The Traditional Jingliao Wedding Ceromony


Besides that, we were also fortunate to be able to experience the celebration of Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, in conjunction with the last day of Chinese New Year, in YanShui (鹽水). The beehive fireworks (蜂炮) were thrilling and blazingly loud (although it was pretty dangerous to even be there) as fireworks are shot into every direction, just like how bees fly out from their nest when under threat. Visitors are advised to put on a helmet and thick jackets to prevent any sort of injuries. It's considered lucky to be struck by a rocket at the festival. Many tourist visit Tainan just to experience this unique festival and it is one of the world's most dangerous celebrations.



Get up-close with the fireworks in Yanshui 



Unleash the beehive fireworks...


Overall, the WUMILE experience has been enriching and fulfilling. Not many can say that they have entirely disconnect from the corporate world until they arrive at WUMILE. The elderly, old buildings, traditional landmarks will bring you back to nature and away from the hassle in the city. I highly recommend a 2 day 1 night stay here if you are visiting Tainan for the first time. A half-a-day trip option is also possible as the tourist areas are situated close to one another. See you at WUMILE ! 

*Special thanks to AIESEC at NCKU & AIESEC Sunway for making this volunteering project possible.

*Special thanks to Mr.Huang and the workers for their excellent hospitality and care during my stay at WUMILE.



Interview and tour with RTM X Tainan——南朋友,旅朋友




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