
What’s the crime in fish balls?

2016/02/25 17:43
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PeoPo推 0

Late in the evening of February 8, the first day of the Year of the Monkey, violent clashes broke out between the police and civilians in the Mong Kok area of Hong Kong, which some Western media outlets labeled as the “fish-ball revolution”; though there were indeed riots, labeling it a “revolution” seemed to be rather excessive.

Known as “fish eggs” in Hong Kong and “fish balls” in Taiwan and elsewhere, this is a very traditional food in Hong Kong, which is mostly sold by small stores or street vendors. Considered a very special part of Hong Kong’s culinary culture, customers usually stand in the street holding Styrofoam bowls and bamboo skewers to pierce the fish balls.

In standoffs between the government and public, the unfair distribution of strength means that members of the public always seem as fragile as chicken eggs or fish balls. The clashes with police in Mong Kok had little to do with the hawkers selling fish balls, and even less to do with the fish balls.

Over the past few years, the conduct of The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, especially with regard to political reform, social measures, and the interaction between the police and community, has given rise to tensions between the two sides. With such problems, in addition to the huge discrepancy between pubic expectations and the reality on the ground, the emergence of street protests and demonstrations should come as no surprise.

What’s the crime in fish balls?









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