
Taiwanese – Japanese railway stations with same name: College students pursue dream to publish book on railway stations

2016/01/28 11:58
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Striving courageously forward in search of realizing their dream, during last year’s summer vacation Fu Jen Catholic University students Cao Shao-xin (曹少馨) and Wu Meng-zhe (吳孟哲) visited 44 railway stations with the same name in both Taiwan and Japan. They first used weekends to visit 34 stations in Taiwan, and then during last year’s summer vacation visited 44 stations in Japan, totaling a total of 78 stations in all.

From Japan's southernmost island of Kagoshimato to Hokkaido is a journey of about 2300 km, and so completing such a trip within two months was no easy task. “Almost eighty percent of the journey was spent on the train” Cao Shao-xin smilingly remarked. 

To accomplish this dream, they were forced to carry a large amount of luggage. The pair advanced from station to station with a toy Formosan black bear named “A-Wan”, which started each journey. They wish to thank the many friendly Japanese people who provided assistance along the way, and now hope that through the crowd-funding platform “flying-V”, they will be able to release a book. Wu Meng-zhe said that the book, which includes many stations with historical significance to both Taiwan and Japan and documents many of the interesting stories they encountered along the way, will hopefully help to promote Taiwanese-Japanese tourism.

Taiwanese – Japanese railway stations with same name:
College students pursue dream to publish book on railway stations 



台日同名車站 大學生勇敢追火車出書「完夢」






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