
Amateur painter searches for his roots in tribal village

2016/01/28 11:51
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Prior to his 28th birthday, Wang Zi-wei (王子威) from Daniao Village in Taitung, had no tribal name, no tribal clothes, and knew absolutely nothing about his own Paiwan tribal culture. After facing an existential crisis, two years ago he moved back to Daniao Village with his wife and two daughters to get reacquainted with his childhood village and find an answer to the question “Who am I?”

Though Wang Zi-wei has always been fond of graffiti, he never thought that he would be the one to “brighten up his tribal village” through the painting of murals. Thanks to Wang Zi-wei’s dedication, dozens of peeling grey walls in the village been painted with colorful murals infused with Paiwan culture, dramatically improving the village landscape.

What’s more, the once strained relationship between Wang Zi-wei and his father has also significantly improved, and nowadays, Wang’s father shows appreciation for each and every one of his son’s murals. Returning home, Wang Zi-wei has not only gotten to know himself again and found an avenue of personal expression, he has also managed to win back the affection of his family.

Amateur painter searches for his roots in tribal village



素人畫家 部落尋根





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