
Silent election

2015/11/24 15:01
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PeoPo推 0

If it wasn’t for the fluttering flags and colorful posters I am afraid that many people walking on the streets would be unaware that there is a large election campaign underway in the districts of Hong Kong. In this silent election, candidates are fighting over 431 democratically elected seats in the 18 district councils of Hong Kong.

Devoid of budget-making or legislative powers, the role of Hong Kong’s District Councils is merely to provide consultations and recommendations. In addition to the 27 ex officio members of the Rural Committee in the New Territories of Hong Kong, the election on November 22 will be the first time that the electorate has directly chosen all the seats.

The number of candidates standing has broken all past records, including the participation of many young “umbrella soldiers” from the pan-democracy camp; most believe that this is related to the 2014 Occupy Central Movement. Apart from the 68 candidates who will be automatically selected because they are the only candidate standing in their respective constituency (mainly Pro-Beijing camp), from a total of 867 parliamentary candidates, 400 of which are independently standing, 363 candidates will democratically elected to parliament.

In many of the constituencies there only 2 candidates competing for 1 seat, making competition anything but fierce. However, though electoral districts are small, there is from between 15,000 and 20,000 voters in each, most of who can be easily mobilized. Additional problems such as vote rigging and bribery means that the margin between winning and losing can be very small, and therefore candidates dare not be complacent. As a result, it is impossible to avoid the fierce campaigning taking place in community plazas, metro stations and bus stations. Even though pro-government factions control the majority of seats, the elections in 18 district councils are a symbol of democracy and universal suffrage in Hong Kong, and better than nothing.

Silent election










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