
Taiwanese deaf women’s basketball team buckles down to hard work

2015/07/07 18:01
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PeoPo推 1

A conscientious group of women with hearing impairments has enlisted the help of famous coaching twins Teng Bi-chen (鄧碧珍) and Teng Yi-yun (鄧碧雲). This well-known duo formerly competed in the 2009 World Deaflympics, have published a famous book called “The Rookie’s about to Fly”, and became champions at the Asia Pacific Cup in Korea.

What’s more, the World Deaf Basketball Championships will be hosted in Taoyuan Arena this year, where competitors from as far afield as Sweden, Israel, Greece, Lithuania, Turkey, U.S.A, Ukraine, Italy, Russia, and Japan etc., will descend on Taiwan; of course, as host nation Taiwanese teams are sure to be present. With the hope of winning glory for the nation, the Taiwanese deaf woman’s basketball team is currently in rigorous training at Tucheng Civil Sports Center for the event. 

None of the team members are professional basketball players and instead come from a wide cross section of society including office workers, students, and teachers etc. Therefore, over and above basketball training, the team members must also take care of their work duties, making life particularly exhausting. In addition to 5 original team members who are still dedicated to basketball, a number of new younger members have also jointed the team. Now in full preparation for the World Deaf Basketball Championships on July 4 - 12, the team is pinning its hopes on winning team glory for Taiwan. 









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