
Southern Cross-Island Highway Ultra Marathon evokes mixture of love and fear

2015/03/17 11:33
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PeoPo推 0

Ranked as one of Taiwan’s finest high-mountain ultra marathons, the 5th Southern Cross-Island Highway Ultra Marathon got under way in the early hours of March 7th at The Bunun Cultural Museum (海端布農文物館) in Haiduan Township. Following the breathtaking route of Highway 20, the Southern Cross-Island Highway, 2564 ultra marathoners from around the globe embarked on challenging themselves to the limit. 

Though only a few hundred athletes participated in the launch of the event back in 2011, due to elated runners spreading the incredible beauty of the Southern Cross-Island Highway through word of mouth, the event has been transformed into the hottest ultra marathon event in the country. 

Despite a light drizzle that fell from the heavens at 4 o’clock in the early hours of the race day, as the starter pistol sounded to begin the race at 5 am, a 1000-person-strong human snake began to wind its way along the edge of the Hsinwulu River (新武呂溪), traversing the 78 km Southern Cross-Island Highway. During the course of the race, the outstanding beauty of the Southern Cross-Island Highway clearly left its mark on this group of “foot warriors”.

When runners found themselves engulfed in thick fog just outside the idyllic villages of Lidao (利稻) and the pyramid-shaped Motian (摩天), and then got blanketed in rain mist area near Liyuan (栗園), they were left with a sense of profound awe at the immensity of the scene. Taking part in what is truly an ultra marathon high up in the clouds, later in the day, runners were given a beautiful surprise when the sea of clouds and dense fog finally parted to reveal the brilliant blue sky.


Southern Cross-Island Highway Ultra Marathon evokes mixture of love and fear 








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