
Compassionate “Scissorhands” – Angelic hairstylist of the cancer wards

2015/03/10 15:55
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At the cancer care ward of Hualien’s Mennonite Christian Hospital, hairstylist Lin Ya-qing (林雅卿) silently shuttles from room to room serving patients. Community social worker at the hospital Li Dong-mei (李冬梅), recalled a visit to Lin Ya-qing’s hair salon three years previously, where, while having her hair cut, she took a chance in asking Lin Ya-qing if she would be interested in volunteering her skills at the hospital’s cancer care ward; to Li Dong-mei’s surprise, salon manager Lin Ya-qing and a number of her colleagues readily agreed.

Thereafter, on the first week of March, June, September, and December each year, Lin Ya-qing and her colleagues began voluntarily cutting the hair of patients at the hospital’s cancer care ward. Slowly, a mutual understanding developed, where the patients and their families would amass on the first week of the specified months, and wait in line for a haircut.

Social worker Li Dong-mei said that patients and their families have to support each other, and that family members usually have barely enough time to cut their own hair, let alone that of their loved ones. Additionally, as patients often require chemotherapy and are not recommended to go out alone, having their hair done is very inconvenient.

These were the original reasons that motivated Li Dong-mei to ask for the hairstylists’ help and she is deeply grateful to the hair salon’s owner and the hairstylists for all their assistance over the past three years, and all completely free of charge. 

Lin Ya-qing chooses to keep her heartfelt feelings of encouragement for the patients to herself, and simply focus her mind on styling hair. Social worker Li Dong-mei said that cutting the patients’ hair is far from easy. Though some of the patients are still mobile and able to queue up for a haircut, in cases where patients are confined to bed, dependent on an intravenous cannula or require an oxygen mask, Lin Ya-qing must work with extreme caution, which takes a great deal more labor and effort. Patients’ family members are all incredibly grateful for the diligent work of their angelic hairstylist.

Compassionate “Scissorhands” – Angelic hairstylist of the cancer wards










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