
“iHelp” APP assists deaf and dumb people call emergency services

2015/02/04 17:16
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Cai Jia-wei (蔡佳緯), a student in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at SHU-TE University, has just spent two years developing the iHelp APP. Cai Jia-wei’s motivation for developing the APP came after his parents, who are both deaf and dumb, were unable to call for help after they found themselves in an emergency situation. In addition to this, Cai Jia-wei had seen countless news reports where deaf and dumb people had actually died when they found themselves in similar emergency situations. This year, after continual negotiations with government agencies, Cai Jia-wei launched his iHelp APP, an emergency text messaging service in partnership with the government. 

Cai Jia-wei said: “Taiwan’s emergency text messaging service has been in operation for nine years, but hasn’t received a single text message in all that time.” Clearly, the majority of Taiwanese people are unaware that an emergency text messaging service exists. A further problem has been continually changing text message numbers for reporting emergencies, which Cai Jia-wei believes will be solved by using his iHelp APP. With the new APP, should the government change the text number, iHelp APP automatically updates the information.  

The iHelp APP system allows deaf and dumb people to find help by means of text messaging. People with physical disabilities finding themselves in an accident simply open the APP and select “Fire”, “Robbery”, “Disturbance” or one of the other pre-set categories. The system then immediately detects the person’s GPS location and contacts the emergency services, thereby reducing the time and difficulty of reporting accidents for disabled people. 

“iHelp” APP assists deaf and dumb people call emergency services



「iHelp」APP 助聾啞人士報案求救







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