
OpValentine 2015民主情人節 Break-up/Recall/Homeless 分手/割闌尾/街友

2015/02/17 22:55
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‪#‎OpValentine‬ Break-up w/the very Ugly! Recall the very Bad!! & share the very Good, all in 1 ‪#‎ValentinesDay‬ ‪#‎2015民主情人節‬‪#‎CitizenMovement‬ ‪#‎OccupyTaiwan‬ ‪#‎Taipei‬ ‪#‎公民運動‬‬ ‪‪#‎Trees‬ #‎松菸護樹‬ ‪#‎台灣護樹團體聯盟‬ ‪#‎公民論壇‬ ‪#‎台北大巨蛋‬ ‪#‎遠雄‬  https://www.facebook.com/RevNews/posts/462106393942928


「我們說了不要,就是真的不要!」想像臺北是你的舊情人,大巨蛋是現任,這個現任滿口謊言又不斷劈腿,還到處登報告訴別人他很行,死纏爛打黏住你不放,真叫人情何以堪,可恨到了極點。巨蛋大聲公:小市民開講、弊蛋九宮格、財團圈地我也行、滾蛋保齡球、怒打大巨蛋、告白大樹公、樹人的反擊... 遠雄大巨蛋問題不斷、弊案連連,一連串的弊端剪不斷理還亂,再再顯示了這顆大弊蛋考驗的不只是柯市長的能力,而是人民的羞恥心。先不管零權利金,也不論39項不平等條約,就算只談程序,只談正義,只談環境,這顆遠雄的黑心巨蛋也完全承受不起任何的挑戰 frown 表情符號 這麼爛的人,我們還不跟它說分手嗎?


OpValentine(2) #AppendectomyProject #割闌尾 
The vote to recall Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Alex Tsai (蔡正元) is the first time such a campaign has entered the final phase, as an example of democratic development. Despite its failure to pass because the poll failed to attain a 50 percent voter turnout as required by law, according to the Central Election Commission. The rise of Taiwanese “civic power” is winning!

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je #柯文哲 called legal restrictions on the exercise of recall powers “Very unreasonable! Full democratic government should include powers of election, recall, initiative and referendum, but presently only election has been realized in Taiwan. We have a long road to walk before full democracy is realized.” 

罷免案通過的門檻很高,依法須有二分之一選舉人投票,有效票中要有二分之一同意罷免才算通過,反之則為否決。中選會官員預估,因日前立委補選投票率僅3到4成,除非強力動員,否則罷免案要成功難度很高。按電鈴、發文宣、舉牌、宣講、論壇、掃街、遊行、美術製作、影展、 晚會...盡心盡力的活動!熱血的港湖公民朋友們在罷免的最後一哩路上!只要有心,人人都可以是拿起手術刀割除闌尾的醫生!!!我們相信,淘汰不適任的官員是一件美好的事。我們相信,透過罷免來達成制衡的力量是一件正確的事。我們相信,政治的污濁必須透過最直接的民主來逐步洗清。我們相信,「相信」本身就是一種強大的力量。相信有機會促成改變,創造一個更光明的未來,所以我們向所有參與的朋友致上無限敬意,謝謝大家。



OpValentine(3)Feed the Homeless 2015民主情人節(3)街友尾牙宴
"Do they know it's Valentine at all? 汝敢有聽到阮心聲 - New year buffet & shows for the homeless 情人節街友尾牙音樂會" #芒草心慈善協會 #五六運動 #無家可歸者聯盟 #人生百味 #志工 #流浪生活 #Homelesst #街友 #寒士 — 在捷運台北車站 MRT Taipei Main Station 。

Tonight police refused to let anybody stay inside the station, as it will draw attention to the ‪homeless‬ situation in ‪Taipei.. They can shut down the door, but cannot shut down the give away. There are thousands of Homeless in Taipei Station and its surrounding Areas. They are looking for a warm place to make it through this winter. 


RN https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
Sky Lee https://facebook.com/themoslar
OccupyTaiwan https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
ZombieNews https://www.facebook.com/tai1news
FarEastTaiwan https://www.facebook.com/fatwd
YouTube https://youtube.com/user/themoslar
公民新聞 https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan

Time is Now_14all41
Wake Up行動思想We R Trapped思想行動
Power Corrupt豺團政腐Money Slave人民落伍
No Borders作自由鬥士No Capitalism免資本奴役
Freedom Forever自由無價Occupy Begins佔領開始
Revolution in HD, Occupy Taiwan to be continued :)

僵屍佔台Zombie103 http://youtu.be/v1RlEHPqjx0
僵屍佔台Zombie102 http://youtu.be/SYQxWx_yS9c
僵屍佔台Zombie101 http://youtu.be/l0I2SzHoGH8



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