1128佔領國道ETC #AbandonedWorker #OccupyHighway #HungerStrike
How to make the police occupy highway for you? 中山高15k公里: 內湖安康路284號
1128~1 OccupyHighway Countdown (5,894 次瀏覽)
1128~2 OccupyHighway: Song of Abandoned Workers (5,294 次瀏覽) https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=998518420174793
1128~3 OccupyHighway: Target Found (7,711 次瀏覽)
1128~4 OccupyHighway: Chained on Bridge (16,066 次瀏覽)
1128~5 OccupyHighway: Truckers' Support (13,576 次瀏覽)
1128~6 OccupyHighway: Fire Engine Arrived (7,529 次瀏覽)
1128~7 OccupyHighway: More Police! (7,807 次瀏覽)
1128~8 OccupyHighway: Helping Hands! (8,715 次瀏覽)
1128~9 OccupyHighway: Police Charge! (6,809 次瀏覽)
1128~10 OccupyHighway: Prophet@Highway 15K came True
1128~11 OccupyHighway: How to make police occupy highway for yo?
2014/11/28, 10pm, Police coming from 3 sides try to take over the broken-fence gate to #OccupyHighway. Activists & students use their bodies to defend the old & female Abandoned Workers... Weary & dry, one hunger striker down, many Abandoned Workers are tired & have their own families to take care of. Most of all, their numbers are against the odds, it will end in tear. (Sky Lee on the scene for Revolution News #Taiwan)
After police tailing, carjacking, force returning, Abandoned Workers spent lots of time playing hide & seek, cats & mice with the police on their way to the national highway. Finally, at Neihu intersection (north of Taipei), they found their route of #OccupyHighway, & the police are coming only a minute behind.
After push & pull with the police, Abandoned Workers occupy the ETC bridge on the national highway. Now it is the police blocking the highway! Most of the protesters hold their ground around the ETC, BECAUSE there are 8 activists chained themselves on it! Many truckers blow their whistle in solidarity with Abandoned Workers occupy the ETC bridge on the national highway.
While the airbed is ready for the chained protesters upon the ETC bridge, more supporters outside the fence find a way to get into the camp, to help Abandoned Workers make it through the night... More police are comin from highway, byway & shortway...out of nowhere. Where supporters are kind of difficult to get in here to lend a helping hand.
As the sad but great hunger strike of the Abandoned Worker entering 200hrs@Minister of Transportation #Taipei, now they are calling for occupy the National Freeway on 2pm Friday, Nov 28th (a day before the 9-in-1 #Election2014 #Taiwan), as the govt keep campaigning for KMT elections & does not provide a solution to about 1000 ex-highway toll clerks. Abandoned Workers(11/20~27) https://www.peopo.org/news/260547
#國道收費員: Ex-freeway toll collectors (Following the nation’s transition to an electronic, distance-based toll system, about 1,000 toll collectors lost their jobs.)
#KMT: The longtime hereditary ruling party of Taiwan Kuomintang 國民黨, The Chinese Nationalist Party, aka World$ Riche$t Party, which registered only 1/5th of its total assets of NT$26.8billion (US$892.4million) at Taiwan. https://www.peopo.org/news/249791
trailer預告片1 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=997898740236761
trailer預告片2 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=997933663566602
Media Broadcast@
sky lee(OccupyTaiwan) https://facebook.com/themoslar
Revolution News https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
佔領台 https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
1新聞 https://www.facebook.com/tai1news
Foreign Affairs Taiwan Demo 台灣外交新聞社 https://www.facebook.com/fatwd
周延: Such bullshit, nothing was sneaky about the replacement. When these highway toll clerks got their jobs, they were told that they would be replaced if a new system were to be introduced, and if that happens, they would be "accommodated" or "paid off." They KNEW their risks.
And surprise, some time later, a newer system was adopted by the government and the said ETC corporation gave them generous terms. They could either accept a reasonably substantial payment or they would be given jobs at their corporation somewhere else. HOWEVER, these toll workers were from all other Taiwan, and a number of them refused payment and demanded work... NEAR where they live, among other demands; demands that are impractical, borderline retarded. In Taiwan,everything is "overly democratic." The mindless masses sympathize for the wrong people, for the wrong reasons. Just because they're a minority and they're in a worse situation, does NOT make them right., and does NOT justify their actions. This kind of meaningless protests have occurred in Taiwan numerous times in the past couple of years.
To these protesters that are wasting everyone's time by holding up one of the most important transportation hubs in Taipei, I have this to say:
It's already been more than several months since the system was introduced and you were replaced. If you are so bent on getting a job, then why the fuck are you still protesting this? If you have that much spare time, go find a fucking job. If you can't find a job in this amount of time, then i doubt you deserve any compensation anyone has to offer.
Call me heartless, uncaring, insensitive, call me what you will. But I simply cant sympathize with anyone that chooses to cause chaos in public when they don't get what they want like a child throwing a tantrum.
2014/11/28 國道收費員絕食進入第9天,交通部不僅避不見面,也透過各種方式打壓抗爭,甚至抹黑收費員受少數激進人士扇動。自救會為了自己的權益在抗爭,11/25也經體制內程序與交通部在新北市政府開協調會,然而交通部卻拒絕仲裁,使得協調完全破裂。面對整個執政黨、執政團隊將重心放在大選而非基層勞工身上,收費員只好繼續用身體做抵抗,再度升高抗爭。
「敗選部長、認錯負責、別想落跑」2014/12/01 國道收費員自救會新聞稿:
一、 立即與自救會代表見面協商解決方案:以免欺上瞞下的高公局繼續傳達錯誤訊息。
二、 看守期間應提出解決方案:部長應要求(部長於六月親自指派的)專家學者委員會於看守期間結束前提出有關(1)年資補償、(2)勞保補償、(3)多元安置之解決方案,並由葉匡時(在卸任前)向行政院爭取比照過境旅館前例,訂定要點專案核定。
三、 就年資補償和工作權(屬多元安置之一)部分,交通部應同意新北市調解委員會所提調解方案,由原雇主交通部先盡安置責任,或依勞基法退休標準補償年資。或按新北市勞工局建議,將本案交付仲裁。
ETC架上肖婆的選後政治聲明 by 全國關廠工人連線_陳秀蓮