
集會阻擋法105-盤查身分 Hostile Inspection

2014/07/23 17:36
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PeoPo推 2

HD影片: youtu.be/crNgsNNtc_k

Police: "What are you doing here? Show me your ID!"
Citizen: "This is a public area, I'm sitting here to watch." 
Police: "Now, here & there are all restricted area...Got it?"
Angry Protester: "Yea, right...XD"


A group of police (some are not wearing uniforms or badges) claimed they were performing a routine inspection on the sidewalk cross the street from the restricted area. They also asked everyone to show their IDs or to be dispersed from the scene. When asked the police based on what law they were forcing people to show their IDs. Either the police could answer the question or said they were just enforcing a law_which they could not provide the name? (based on Police Power Exercise Act, the police may only verify one’s identify if one is reasonably suspected of having committed a crime or having the likelihood of committing a crime.) Having no real legal basis for the inspection, the police kept repeating that they were just doing their jobs to enforce a special errand. They claimed they were just there to protect the citizens’ safety & that it was a routine. 

Inspections like this are meaningless & create a burden on the police. Sending police to inspect the IDs of people who are clearly not doing anything illegal is a misuse of police & creates an unnecessary work burden for them. It is an outright abuse of power to demand IDs from people clearly doing nothing wrong. Police should not work for politician's demand.

It is important for all citizens to know that according to the Police Power Exercise Act, if the police fail to provide the reason why they want to verify your identity, people may refuse to cooperate&

Taiwan Police Power Exercise Act (English): http://bit.ly/1mqTcDn

 : ( 一年前旁觀街頭公民行動時被一組便衣+警察盤查的傻樣, 和現在FB網友條理分明的親身體驗, 心得簡直一模一樣_不論聰明愚笨, 終究須由法律限制 : ) ...公務員領納稅人薪水,最重要的義務就是「依法」執行職務。如果基層公務員執行職務時只知道長官命令以及慣例,卻不知道法源依據何在,而且是普遍的現象,那這其實是嚴重的法治危機。更大的危機是,一堆憲法權利被侵害的人民,渾然不知自己的權利被侵害,還反過來責怪主張自己權利的人。如果國民的法治素養普遍是如此,那這個國家距離真的法治國還很遠,倒是比較有成為奴隸國的潛力。




*楊律師的法律討論區:臨檢及盤查 http://goo.gl/4GzscL.

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・ 2014/08/07 15:08

