
樂生陳情八人入北市府 How Loshen Petitioners Get into Taipei City Hall?

2014/05/10 12:34
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令人心碎的十年反迫遷 樂生尚存人權未絕 搬上國際!https://www.facebook.com/RevNews
Loshen walk to Taipei City Hall 樂生長征北市府https://www.peopo.org/news/241903
Loshen sleepover@Taipei City Hall 樂生夜宿北市府https://www.peopo.org/news/241905
How Loshen Petitioners Got into Taipei City Hall? 樂生陳情八人入北市府https://www.peopo.org/news/241823

歡迎轉載分享 媒體聯播Media Broadcast: 
-PeoPo公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
-GLOBAL OCCUPY MEDIA: http://globalrevolution.tv
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-佔領台: https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan 
Video report in english, Occupy Taiwan 2b continued
720P HD高畫質版: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar




The Anti-Eviction of Loshen People ‪#‎Taipei‬ ‪#‎Taiwan‬ still struggling after 10 long years!

Loshen walk to Taipei City Hall 樂生長征北市府https://www.peopo.org/news/241903
Loshen sleepover@Taipei City Hall 樂生夜宿北市府https://www.peopo.org/news/241905
How Loshen Petitioners Got into Taipei City Hall? 樂生陳情八人入北市府 https://www.peopo.org/news/241823

Losheng Sanatorium (Chinese: 樂生療養院; pinyin: Lèshēng Liáoyǎngyuàn) is a hospital for lepers, which is located inXinzhuang District, New Taipei City (formerly Taipei County), Taiwan. Losheng means "happy life". It was constructed in the 1930s during the Japanese colonial period. At present there has been heated debates and protests about the plans to replace Losheng Sanatorium with a MRT(Mass Rapid Transport) depot.

Long before the depot construction was initiated, Loshen’s ex-director and history professionals have demanded a large-scale inspection of Losheng’s position as a historical site. The scholars appealed to the MRT Department that they should spare the Losheng Sanatorium, while they unanimously agreed the entire site should be preserved. However, the officials unilaterally terminated the process of inspection, and decided the Sanatorium should be torn down entirely.

But the plan was altered by local politicians. It has been asserted that this is wrong for the following reasons:

-Waste of money: 3/5 of the depot site needs to be built on flatland; therefore $90 million (USD) will be spent on flattening and improving the soil.

-Disaster for the environment: After flattening the mountain, a ten-story retaining wall will remain, destroying the natural environment.

-Safety concern: The future depot will be situated upon earth faults.

-Ravaged historical site: The Losheng Sanatorium is an important cultural asset for people in East Asia. The depot construction will turn it all into dust.

-Ordeal for patients: The patients are forced to leave the place they spent their lives, suffering mentally and physically from the displacement.

-Autocratic decision-making: The MRT Department never inquired the needs of Losheng patients—the ‘residents’ of the site—which is a violation of fundamental human rights.

It was also argued that the Losheng Sanatorium should be an accredited World Heritage site. It has witnessed the inhumane treatment (such as discrimination and compulsory quarantine) of the lepers, who had undergone 70 years of government oppression.

樂生聲援者徒步17公里,從樂生來到北市府,要求郝龍斌出面回應「立即停工 原屋續住」。但苦等一夜後,今早的記者會上,北市府依舊沒有正面回應。當我們準備拿著〈安全承諾書〉送進北市府,要求郝龍斌出面簽署承諾書,保證樂生院民居住安全時,員警竟將我們8位聲援者逮捕上銬,以妨礙公務現行犯被送至北市延壽街的保安警察大隊!






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