佔立院25天 方仰寧來襲 Day25: Early Morning Raid of AORFT #OccupyCongress
Day25: Early Morning Raid of AORFT #OccupyCongress
Early in the morning, The front-yard of the legislative ccupied By Liberation Taiwan Union was stormed by hundreds of police, whom their chieftain just promised that the occupier will have their freedom of assembly...
歡迎轉載分享 媒體聯播Media Broadcast:
-PeoPo公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
-GLOBAL OCCUPY MEDIA: http://globalrevolution.tv
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-佔領台: https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
Video report in english, Occupy Taiwan 2b continued_sky lee
720P HD高畫質版: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar