330空拍50萬人凱道祈福會 500,000 Rally Against China Trade Pact Back Room Deal
HD 720p加長版: http://youtu.be/xw_4RTp9Nh4
全球十大獨立媒體之Revolution News 人氣留言:
Mike Koger: "Stand strong!!!!!!! I admire you!!!!
Dana Orkideh: "Keep up the good work! You are doing what everyone should had done long ago!
Pinna RedBean: "We dont hate China, we hate our government is trying to make us become Chinese. why can't we just simply be Taiwanese?
Brandon Gasaway: "Sorry to say, but if they don't take the trade they have to rely on our Military to save em, how did that work out for the Ukraine?
Kelo Palaita: "It's interesting how money in the pockets of a fe key politicians overrides what the majority want.
Keith Coolidge: "70 years under Japan influence ,then brutal nationalist Army treatment, I can see why ,they have had enough from the mainland
Melanie Cabral: "This needs to happen around the white house!
Pat Farrell: "Looks more like a concert with the huge projection TV's
Rick Martinez: "China hates Americans. Boycott China before it's too late!
Jo Evans: "I wish UK would boycott them too.. I wont by anything made in China no more
Edward Theilmann: "It happened here in America once also.In 1969 we were in the streets ending a war. My question is where are the young people of America today? If they don't rise again real soon their future is lost and when they finally wake up it will be too late to do anything about it .If they don't fight now the fight they will be in later will be a thousand times worse.They are foolish to ignore this and let all this garbage continue.But,it's their future and if they can't be bothered then they will get the shit they deserve
Rhonda Whitfield: "Protest Concert style....interesting.
Lauren Fremont: "Wish everywhere would occupy
Susie Onthetop: "In Thailand as well, 29March close to a million or over rallied in Bangkok to send the signal to the caretaker PM, madam Yingluck , she must step down.
Mary Morgan: "Power to justice and freedom
Marlon Mikhail Bakunin: "let's help them help enjoying this page here Taiwan and China Trade pact and sharing, it brings some information about what is happening in Taiwan.
Greetings from Brazil, we are together in this fight
Teresa Servin: "The government just doesn't want to accept change.
Gordy Wilson: "Wonderful!!!
Jeanette Slade: "they have backbones.
Rosa Silva: "Marvellous!
Dana Orkideh: "Say no to China imperialism.
Brian Leeuw: "Power to the people!
Serouj H Akissian: "holy fuck ....an army of ants
Kyal Sherry: "cant anyone realize republics over democracies
RN 3/30特報: http://revolution-news.com/taiwan-500000-join-national-march-china-trad…
Mission Possible! HD full edition coming soon.
Although it's a sunny day, air pollution makes it looks like a foggy day:(
Someone you known is here!
But the country is still ruled by one president.
The best concert i've ever been since "Right here, right now-Van Helen"!
歡迎轉載分享 媒體聯播Media Broadcast:
-PeoPo公民新聞: https://www.peopo.org/occupytaiwan
-GLOBAL OCCUPY MEDIA: http://globalrevolution.tv
-Revolution News: www.facebook.com/RevNews
-YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/themoslar
-佔領台: https://www.facebook.com/occupytaiwan
Video report in english, Occupy Taiwan 2b continued_sky lee
720P HD 高畫質原始版: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw_4RTp9Nh4