紅色菲行-3 菲律賓的騙子司機 識途老馬也中招
紅色菲行-3 (國際版)
走完伊羅戈地區的行程回到馬尼拉,在國內線第四航廈前搭上排班的跳表計程車(車號TYT-396 編號C-023),沿著日落大道行駛,過了黎剎公園依照慣性的走法應該右轉,這位駕駛卻向前直行,兜了一大圈遠路才繞回華人區的王彬街,要求司機靠邊停車他竟然繼續往前開並右轉,走幾十公尺才停在車水馬龍的道路中間,計費表竟然高達P394元,事後發現是司機沒有把前一位乘客的里程歸零,一時不察就要付出將近2倍的價錢,司機還以沒有零錢為由拒不找零。
從馬尼拉國際機場T4搭乘C-023(車牌號碼TYT-396)跳表計程車前往岷倫洛區(Primeblock Building, Tutuban Center, C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila),沿著Roxas Blvd經過黎剎公園後要右轉Padre Burgos St.,計程車司機不但從Bonifacio Dr繞行遠路回到Ongpin St.,里程累計高達36.3km,而且跳表車資高達P394。要求司機在Reina Regente St. 停車,司機繼續開到 No.1078 C.M. Recto St. 才停車。
Be Careful: Unscrupulous Filipino Taxi Driver
At Manila International Airport, TAXI #C-023 (car license plate no.TYT-396) from T4 old Domestic Airport to Binondo Area (Tutuban Center, C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila), along Roxas Blvd., the shortest way must turn right to Padre Burgos St. right after the Rizal Park, the taxi driver detours the long route from Bonifacio Dr back to Ongpin St., total mileage as high as 36.3km, metered up to P394. Requested the driver to stop in Reina Regente St., but he continues to drive until we reached No.1078 C.M. Recto St.
Taxi driver C-023(TYT-396)intentionally did not zero his taximeter, accumulated mileage from previous passenger to cheat fare or using batingting, a hidden illegal device to speed up the meter.
The normal fare of metered taxi from T4 to Binondo area is around P200-P230, mileage 12-15km.