
Veronika's Adventure

2012/12/11 23:54
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Veronika´s Adventure
Short film short studying abroad at NCCU

Author: Veronika Tomanova
Camera assistant: Anna Tamurova, Ruby Liu
Editor: Jazza McMillan-Clenaghan

Henry Miller 曾說過「一個人的目的地不是某個地方,而是用一個新的眼光來看世界」

這是關於一個來自捷克24歲女生Veronika Tomanova在台灣讀書的故事。她離開了原本在家鄉舒服的生活圈,來到台北讀書攻讀政大的碩士學位。對她來說,這趟預計在台灣兩年的生活,是展開人生新的一頁,去窺探外面嶄新的世界與探索內心的旅程。在這部影片,她分享了從她的眼光來看對政大的印象與在台灣的生活。影片中包含了騷莎、龍山寺、法輪功的片段。

如果你有興趣想更了解她,可以到她的部落格 http://www.veronikasadventure.com

Travelling is an amazing experience. Each journey is an attempt to see what is beyond the horizon. It can be done in a neighbouring city as well as on the other side of the world.

This is a story of Veronika Tomanova, a 24 years old student from the Czech Republic. Her journey has lead her to Taipei, Taiwan. As a graduate student of Masaryk University, she came to National Chengchi University to continue her studies. 

Studying abroad is an amazing experience – we have to leave the comfortable way of life behind and start a new chapter written by ourselves. This video is about the search for new friendships, wondering about the new surroundings and about the pursuit of finding oneself.

This video depicts the first impressions of National Chengchi University and its campus, which has become Veronika’s new home for the coming two years. We see dancing salsa on the roof of the Chinese language centre and the Longshan temple in the mountains around Taipei.

Visit www.veronikasadventure.com for more information.





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