
Dapu farmers clash with police after alleged broken government promises

2012/08/14 17:09
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PeoPo推 3

Two years ago, the land acquisition dispute that broke out in Miaoli County shocked citizens both home and abroad. At the time, Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), who was then Premier of the Executive Yuan, said that homes of the four farmers from Dapu farmers' self-help association (大埔自救會) would be saved. However, this year on the 24th July the Ministry of the Interior passed a resolution to remove these four homes. According to Taiwan Rural Front (台灣農村陣線), the acting chairperson Jian Tai-lang(簡太郎) misled members with incorrect information, and openly lied when he declared that the problems of Dapu had been solved. Furthermore, following objections from a number of members, he bypassed the voting procedure and made a decision that cleared the way to demolish the homes of Dapu farmers' self-help association members Peng Xiu-Chun(彭秀春), Zhu Shu (朱樹)and He Cheng-Fu (柯成福). In a similar fashion, he refused to retain the land of farmer Huang Fu-Ji(黃福記).  On the 7th August, Taiwan Rural Front marched to the Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior(內政部營建署), where they demanded Wu Den-yih’s policy directives retain the homes of the aforementioned farmers. Deeply angered that these homes are nearing the time of demolition, farmers and students demanded admittance to attend the Urban Renewal Committee meeting and open media filming. The Ministry of the Interior rejected the request and a scuffle with police ensued, where the police used signs to warn the protestors. With the aim of forcing their way into the venue, in great solidarity, the students took the opportunity to attempt jumping an iron gate encircling the compound. The police’s use of shields to block the powerful surge of protestors resulted in pandemonium and an extremely tense situation arose. Two students were arrested on the spot and an old farmer was injured.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Dapu farmers clash with police after alleged broken government promises(by CJ smbigsun)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/99141




大埔農民控政府失信,爆警民衝突 ( 欖仁居修行生活網)






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