A not-so-tasty sandwich at Zhongyi road crossing
The level crossing located in Lane 23 Zhongyi Rd. in the direction of Xinzhong North Rd in Zhongli City, Taoyuan is an unavoidable journey for the majority of Zhongli commuters. Since the narrowest point can barely accommodate the width of a car and motorcycle, vehicle congestion during the rush hour often causes people great inconvenience. The level crossing’s problem, which is used by automobiles, motorcycles and pedestrians alike, becomes most apparent during the rush hours when everyone must squeeze through the narrow opening, squeezed together like a giant sandwich stuffed with humans and machines. Even after the road section was designated a one-way street, from time to time cars still cross in the reverse direction, and occasionally when vehicles meet head on at the level crossing, neither side is willing to back down. According to the Ministry of Transportation’s ‘Railway Track Elevated Project’, in a bid to solve traffic congestion problems, the level crossing in question will be eliminated. However, the project is not expected to be completed until the end of 2017. So until that time it looks like the citizens of Zhongli can but observe traffic regulations and place extra attention on their own personal safety.
PeoPo 公民新聞
A not-so-tasty sandwich at Zhongyi road crossing
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/98041
忠義路平交道人車三明治 ( 林鵬程 )
位於桃園縣中壢市忠義路23巷往新中北路的平交道,是中壢許多民眾上下班必經的道路。由於最窄處僅能容下一輛汽車及機車的寬度,在交通尖峰期車輛擁擠常造 成民眾不便。狹窄的平交道上不但有汽車、機車還有行人要通過,車流尖峰時段大家擠在一起,就像是個塞滿料的三明治。該路段改為汽車單行道後,仍然不時有汽 車逆向行駛,如果剛好遇到對向來車,兩方都會進退不得。根據交通部推動的「臺鐵都會區捷運化」計畫,之後將會消除這個路段的平交道,期望可以解決交通堵塞 問題,只是預計得於106年底才能完工。在這之前民眾除了遵守交通,也只能多注意自身安全。