
Typhoon Taili disaster report compilation.

2012/07/04 16:15
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Typhoon Taili caused serious damage in south-central areas of Taiwan and citizen journalists were on hand to provide on-the-scene reports. These reports came in from as far apart as Taichung, Tainan, Chiayi, Yunlin, Pingdong and Koahsiung.

Citizen journalist Sadapeopo uploaded a report on farmers who braved the storm in order to harvest crops, leaving many sighing at the plight of Taiwanese farmers. Another citizen journalist reported on the Wangjia Village Patrol Team from Pingtung County, which has already been tested to the limit by a number of typhoons including Morakot, Fanapi, and Nanmadol. This year has been no different, as they stood on the front line fighting the onslaught of Typhoon Taili.

Locals discovered that after the heavy rain which started on the 10th, the old road 3km above Wangjia Village had begun to show some peculiarities - the village itself was also experiencing flooding. The Disaster Relief Center mobilized the village patrol team and all able-bodied men, using motorbikes to distribute sandbags to villagers and 5 junctions on the road above the village. The village guard is 40-head strong and although it hasn’t been established long, it has already gone though a number of disaster-relief efforts, building essential experience. The patrol team, which was previously awarded with a certificate of excellence from the National Police Agency, undergoes regular training sessions and biannual study classes, its operations covering the length and breath of the county.

PeoPo 公民新聞

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 PeoPo 公民新聞

Typhoon Taili disaster report compilation.

Taichung City river levels rise – coastal residents on alert
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97296

Typhoon Taili in Tainan (by CJ SHASHA)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97286

Coast Patrol Corps brave storm to protect Mailiao residents
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97273

Saving the peanut crop in the midst of the storm (by CJ sadapeopo)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97279

Shouting to wish each other good morning
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97304

Laiyi County’s Wangjia Patrol Team are mobilized
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/97283






其中台南公民記者sadapeopo,上傳了農民冒著風雨搶收農作物的報導,令人感嘆農民處境與台灣的農業困境。而公民記者巴戈也從屏東縣上傳義鄉望嘉村 巡守隊的故事,他們歷經莫拉克、凡那筆、南瑪督的防救災考驗,今年也不例外的投入泰利颱風搶救行列。


望嘉村上方約3公里的舊古道,從610水災開始就已經 被村民發覺有異狀,部落也出現積水現象,防救災中心出動部隊裝填沙包,交由望嘉村巡守隊及部落壯丁,以機車載運至舊古道五個缺口,進行搶救作業。擁有40 位男女隊員的巡守隊,雖成立不久卻已歷經多次的天災救援經驗,曾獲得警政署的評鑑獲得甲等佳績,另外平時也有常年訓練,以及半年一次的防救災研習,鄉轄的 防救災行動中,都有他們的蹤跡。





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