
Humanistic Education Youth Center

2012/06/05 16:57
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With the aim of supporting youngsters from disadvantages families through their difficult teenage years, the Humanistic Education Foundation has opened a youth center in Sanchong District, New Taipei City. A child attending the Sanchong Youth Center expressed that the place is like a second home, somewhere they can eat, study and find a shoulder to cry on when things are tough. In addition, recently, with the goal of proving another road through which the children could improve their studies and share difficulties, the center opened a tutoring class.

At the center, children have the opportunity to learn a variety of talents and skills, which fosters interests, develops creativity, and in turn helps them rediscover a sense of self-worth. It is hoped the children can slowly understand their strengths and weaknesses and not simply use school grades as a way of judging themselves. The children of Sanchong Youth Center epitomize the majority of children from disadvantaged families in Taiwan. The Humanistic Education Foundation hopes that the youth center in Sanchong will bring a better understanding of today’s youth and attract people who are willing to lend a helping hand.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Humanistic Education Youth Center
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/96131




三重人本青少年基地 ( 淡江大傳 ) 

人本教育基金會在新北市三重開設青少年基地,陪伴弱勢家庭的孩子走過青少年階段。曾有孩子告訴別人說,三重青少年基地,是她的第二個家,來這邊可以吃飯, 可以學習,心情不好的時候有人可以講話。另外,基地也開設課輔班,希望藉由陪讀傾聽更多孩子的心聲。孩子也可以在基地學習各種才藝與技能,培養自己的興趣 來表達自己的想法,重新找回自我的價值。希望孩子慢慢知道,自己的好與跟不好,並不是用成績來劃分。三重青少年基地的孩子,是台灣大部分弱勢孩子的縮影, 人本教育基金會透過基地的運作,希望能讓更多人了解青少年,進而願意去幫助他們。





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