
‘Destruction in Taichung’ Series – Rainbow Military Dependents Village torn down?

2012/05/15 10:27
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PeoPo推 2

After the citizen journalist spotted a photograph of Rainbow Military Dependents Village being demolished, they quickly rushed to the scene in order to get a clearer picture of the situation. On arrival at the village, there was some relief in discovering that Grandpa Huang’s block was still standing. Ironically, Culture Bureau billboards celebrating Grandpa Huang’s Rainbow Military Dependents Village remained pasted to the railings that fenced off the flattened part of the village. The exact statement read: Demolition work on Ganchengliu Village, located to the rear of Ling Tung University, commenced two to three weeks ago. Areas to be preserved include: the church, several old trees and 7 buildings of ‘Grandpa Huang’s Rainbow Village’.

While interviewing Grandpa Huang it became apparent that he is not optimistic about the future of the Rainbow Village. He said that if the property developers ask him to leave he will go immediately – what would Rainbow Village become without the creator of it, Grandpa Huang. As the years pass, Rainbow Village will probably face the same fate as the area flattened to the ground a few weeks ago – considered to have no grounds for preservation. The Department of Cultural Affairs should in accordance with The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act ensure this area is granted a preservation order, not to merely pay lip service, or insincerely use the area as part of election campaigns. Unless a preservation order is attained, it is most likely the area will become another victim of property developers or urban renewal.

PeoPo 公民新聞

 ‘Destruction in Taichung’ Series – Rainbow Military Dependents Village torn down? (by CJ etad)
URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/94953




台中胡亂鏟系列│彩虹眷村被拆了? ( 傅東森 )

公民記者看到臉書有友人分享一張彩虹眷村被拆除的照片,決定到現場求證並了解狀況,到了彩虹眷村發現,彩虹爺爺繪製的區塊其實還在,圍籬上還有文化局舉辦 為彩虹爺爺慶生的活動宣傳帆布,就掛在被鏟平的圍籬上。正確的說法應該 是:位於台中嶺東科技大學後方的干城六村的確在兩三個禮拜前進行整地鏟平工程,保留的部份包括:教會、幾棵老樹和彩虹爺爺繪製創作約七棟建物區塊,也就是 我們認知上的「彩虹眷村」。

公民記者訪談彩虹爺爺,他對彩虹眷村的將來並不抱持樂觀態度,如果建商要求他搬離,他會馬上搬走離開這裡,一個沒有彩虹爺爺的彩虹眷村,當眷村隨著歲月毀 損凋零,彩虹眷村是否就像兩星期前被鏟平的其他房子一樣,以沒有保存價值的理由夷為平地?彩虹爺爺在眷村中繪製的區塊並不具有文資身分,也就是說當彩虹爺 爺離開這裡,重劃會建商是可以合法鏟平的,文化局要做的是確定它文化資產的法定身分,彩虹眷村要的不是口惠而不實的辦活動,或為了選舉考量支持保留,而是 文化局必須以現有文資法來保護他,將來不被建商或重劃會破壞而消失。





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