Bringing wood to life
After a great deal of careful planning and hard work by National Tsing Hua University teacher Hsu Yu-ming, the school is now able to offer students a diverse selection of imaginative courses. The woodworking course is directed by teacher Tang, who has fused together woodworking skills and mechanical theory to produce some extremely ingenious toys. Students meticulously work through their projects step by step, from the design drawing, to cutting, drilling and sanding, all the way to assembly of the finishing toy. Overseeing the complete process allows these Science and Engineering students to get a thorough grasp of both theory and practice. In the classroom, one can see anything from flying birds and walking snails, to cute little kittens drinking milk – it really is a joyful sight to behold. “Wooden toys have such a soft touch and each one is completely unique…these are the kinds of toys that can be passed down through the family”, said teacher Tang. Teacher Hsu hopes that students share the knowledge they have gained to the community at large, introducing even more people to the joys of making wooden toys.
PeoPo 公民新聞
Bringing wood to life (by CJ funy)
讓木頭動 ( funy )
清華大學的清華學院在許佑銘導師用心的安排下,學院裡開設了許多多采多姿的課程提供給住宿的學生學習。這一天採訪到木工課,由來自宜蘭的唐老師指導,製作木頭和機械原理結合成的木製玩具。每位同學自己設計創作,從製圖、裁板、鑽孔、刨平等一點一滴細心專注的動手完成作品,對理工科系的同學來說真正把理 論運用在實務上。現場看到小鳥飛翔、蝸牛走路、貓咪喝牛奶等作品,這些有趣的動作,真是快樂的享受。唐老師說自製木工玩具,玩具的觸感柔和、獨一無二,可 以傳承保存;許老師期許同學們能將所學推廣到社區,讓更多人能一起享受做木工的樂趣。