
Acts of compassion on the banks of Kaosiung’s Love River

2012/04/30 15:10
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Under the spectacular nightlights, on the banks of Kaosiung’s Love River you will find a very special group of young people. They are a group of young volunteers from Kaohsiung Association for the Concern of Stray Animals that wish to voice out on animal rights. Each and every Saturday they gather here for the welfare of animals, hoping to find new owners and a new life for the animals. Unfortunately, regular animal medical expenses as well as everyday running expenses have put a great deal of financial strain on the association, and the volunteers hope more people will come forward to support their cause, allowing them to continue saving the lives of countless animals. The volunteers are calling on everyone not to discard pets without rhyme or reason, and hope people will stop eating dog meat, because if there is a demand then there will be a market - they added that pets are not a commodity to be treated in such a heartless way. The citizen journalist would like to appeal to anyone who has the time to go for a stroll on the beautiful banks of Kaohsiung’s Love River and happens to spot this group of volunteers, to dig deep’, and give them some much-needed encouragement.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Acts of compassion on the banks of Kaosiung’s Love River (by CJ tony yen)





絢麗燈光下的平凡愛心 ( tony yen )


夜色優美燈光華麗的愛河,有一群人很特別的人聚集在一起 ,他們是一群想為動物發聲的年輕人,是高雄市關懷動物協會的志工,每個禮拜六他們都會在這裡為可愛又健康的動物請命,希望可以幫助牠們找到自己的第二個主人,找到生命的第二春。這個協會目前因為每個月的醫療與實務的費用問題而面臨困境,志工希望有更多民眾願意支持協會,讓協會可以繼續為這些動物請命。志工也呼籲人們不要隨意丟棄寵物,更希望人們不要吃再狗肉,因為有消費就有買賣,寵物不是商品,不該這樣被踐踏。公民記者也呼籲,假如您有空來高雄愛河邊旅遊散步,看到他們千萬別吝嗇你的愛心,給關懷協會一個更實質的鼓勵。




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