
Preserving memories – Wang Xiao-ping sets up cultural relics museum

2012/03/26 16:51
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PeoPo推 1

Wang Xiao-ping from Lucao Township in Chiayi County is in her sixties and an avid collector of cultural relics. She has always cherished cultural relics and been continuously collecting. She is currently in the process of establishing a cultural relics museum to give other people the opportunity to peep into the cultural relics of Taiwan. Wang Xiao-ping’s cultural relics museum is the culmination of twenty years of enthusiastic collecting, where visitors may see old signposts, wind vanes, dressing tables, chimneys and medicine bowls and has quickly become a busy tourist spot.

Wang Xiao-ping’s use of driftwood and various scrap objects to decorate the cultural relics museum imbibes the area with a great aesthetic quality and has allowed her to fulfill a lifetime ambition. Mrs Wang’s family is fully behind her endeavor and she herself has gained a deep realization about life through these relics. There is no doubt that Wang Xiao-ping, with her overflowing enthusiasm, incredible smile and infectiously joyful attitude is certainly the best tour guide for the museum.

PeoPo 公民新聞

Preserving memories – Wang Xiao-ping sets up cultural relics museum (by e-news)




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