
Getting to know the world and promoting Taiwan through postcards

2012/03/09 15:21
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There are many ways to promote Taiwan, but there is one in particular that we can all get involved in. ‘Postcrossing’ is a non-profit web platform that uses computer software to randomly find a recipient for your postcard, who could be in just about any country around the world. The first postcard one sends out is registered and this number will automatically find its way to some recipient around the world, which means that not long after mailing your first postcard you will receive one. The exciting thing about the platform is that you simply have no idea who the sender will be, and so after sending out your postcard, you can look forward to receiving a pleasant surprise from some far off land! Although we may not have the means to travel to countries all over the globe, receiving postcards from far and wide gives one the feeling of being well traveled.

Taiwan has a population of near on 23 million, and Postcrosser has a user base of 22000. Taiwan is ranked seventh on the web platform after America, Finland, Germany, Holland, Russia and China. With such a list of countries involved with Postcrosser it is certainly a great way to spread the word about Taiwan, what she has to offer and maybe help develop more foreign interest in our country – what an awesome way to develop international relations! Almost every second, someone, somewhere, is being chosen as a postcard recipient or indeed picking up a postcard from their mailbox – with all those nations out there, aren’t you tempted to do some postcard travelling?

PeoPo 公民新聞


Getting to know the world and promoting Taiwan through postcards




用明信片認識世界,讓世界認識台灣 ( 陳61 )  


讓世界認識台灣的方式,又多一樣了!而且你我都能夠做得到。「Postcrossing」是一個非營利的網站,此平台用電腦亂序的抽籤方式抽到你寄出的對象,他有可能是任一個國家的使用者,而你寄出的第一張明信片被登錄後,你的帳號也將會被一個使用者抽到,不久的將來便會收到第一張明信片,而在收到前並不 會知道收到哪一個國家哪一位使用者寄來的明信片,所以當你寄出明信片後,便可以開始期待信箱裡會出現哪些來自世界各地的驚喜!雖然沒辦法親身去遊玩世界各 地,但是透過明信片的交流,好像自己也曾經去過了當地。

台灣只有三千六百萬人口,但一共有兩萬兩千多的Postcrosser(使用者),小小的台灣在Postcrossing排名第七,僅次於美國、芬蘭、德 國、荷蘭、俄國、中國這些大國家,與世界頻繁的通由當中,可讓更多的人知道台灣,認識台灣,或是對台灣產生興趣,這何嘗不是很好的國民外交方式呢!網站幾 乎每秒都有人在抽籤,或是收到明信片,看到眼花撩亂的國旗跳躍,你是否也開始想展開明信片旅行呢?




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